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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1976 <br />#133 Lincoln Terr. 1228 Elliot Str. 170.00 <br />#233 Mayrs Mich Ave. 1129 N. Huey Str. 2,.550.00 <br /># 20 Horners SubLot B 2818 Horne St. 5,410.00 <br />CONTRACT TOTAL $ 38,841.00 <br />2. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and its approval by the Mayor of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana <br />sl Roger 0. Parent <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Keith Crighton, <br />director of the Bureau of Housing gave the following reason for the resolution. He <br />said the seventeen properties to be rehabilitated under the Housing Allowance Referrals <br />Project were for older citizens who could not afford to have the homes repaired. He <br />said this was the first contract of this type that the Council has had an opportunity <br />to review. <br />Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 Swygart, said that she asked Community Development's help to try'' <br />and determine if one of the homes met the criteria. She said she had found there was <br />a young family with several children living in the house. She said she would like to <br />know if this purpose is qualified for that type of help, that is, to rehab a house to <br />bring it up to standard. She said that the confidentiality of these people is so pro- <br />tected you cannot find out whether or not they qualify. She thanked Mr. Crighton for <br />his help and assistance. Councilman Adams asked if when they entered into an agree- <br />ment for rehab work was permission given to go to the different agencies to determine <br />if they were eligible. Mr. Crighton said that permission was given, but because of <br />the time factor involved they did not receive written verification. Councilman Adams <br />asked if they could have the participants show their Social Security checks, and is <br />this done. Mr. Crighton indicated it was being done. Councilman Adams asked if it <br />was possible for the Council to find out what is actually in the contract. Mr. Crighton <br />indicated it was possible. He said he did not have the specs, but he could get her a <br />copy of the contract. Councilman Adams indicated she would like to have a copy. <br />Councilman Serge made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Councilman Miller. <br />The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, <br />Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent). <br />RESOLUTION No. 507 -76 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />REQUESTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR ONE <br />ADDITIONAL MODULAR AMBULANCE. <br />WHEREAS, additional funds are needed by the Bureau of Fire Protection to insure the <br />Department's ability to properly perform its functions during the present calendar <br />year; and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed ordinance sets forth funds for the purchase of one (1) new <br />modular ambulance and repairs on two (2) damaged vehicles;. and <br />WHEREAS, the two (2) damaged vehicles are in need of substantial repair and <br />replacement of parts causing considerable down time; and <br />WHEREAS, the needs of the community would be better served by purchasing two (2) <br />new modular ambulances and repairing one (1) of the damaged vehicles to be an adequate, <br />reserve ambulance; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />that: <br />SECTION I. The Mayor and the Fire Chief of the City of South Bend be requested <br />to authorize additional appropriations for the purchase of one (1) additional modular <br />ambulance. <br />SECTION II. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its' <br />adoption by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor. <br />s/ Richard C. Dombrowski <br />Member of Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Richard Dombrowski, <br />City Councilman, gave the following reasons for the resolution. Councilman Dombrowski <br />read the resolution. He said we need the second new ambulance because our present <br />two ambulances have given us a lot of down -time. He said he felt that repairs to one <br />of our present ambulances would not last us a year. Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secre- <br />tary of the Civic Planning Association, said he had a question in regard to the second <br />"whereas ". He said he assumed this meant the ordinance that was passed earlier. <br />Councilman Dombrowski said the $2,500 would not keep the ambulance running efficiently. <br />He said that eventually we are going to have to have ambulances in separate sections of <br />the city because of the growth of the city due to annexation. Mr. Evans said it con- <br />cerned him that one of the present ambulances would be sitting in reserve with fairly <br />sophisticated medical equipment that could become obsolete. Councilman Dombrowski <br />indicated the equipment would be transferred to the modular. Mr. Evans said that if <br />you transfer the equipment, the reserve ambulance would be without equipment. <br />Councilman Dombrowski said it could be transferred back in case of an accident. <br />Councilman Miller called for a point of order. He said as he understood Section 1 of <br />this resolution, it calls for "The Mayor and the Fire Chief of the City of South Bend <br />be requested to authorize additional appropriations for the purchase of one (1) <br />additional modular ambulance." He said that in effect this had been accomplished, <br />and he did not feel they should get into the merits. He said the only question is <br />should we ask for the ordinance or not ask for the ordinance. Council President <br />Parent said the point of order was valid, and the resolution had served its purpose. <br />Councilman Horvath made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Councilman <br />Serge. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, <br />Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Adams, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent). <br />