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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 19, 1976 , <br />ability to give quick and proper answers to each department would be hampered. He said this was <br />an increase of $3,000.00 over the amount requested last year, and the reason was that they wanted <br />to make the program competitive. He said the hourly rate is presently $3.50 per hour and they <br />would like to increase it to $4.00. <br />Councilman Taylor asked if the city was able to get interns at the $3.50 rate. He asked if the <br />program would be put in jeopardy if they amended the ordinance to the $3.50. Mr. Brunner said he <br />would be hampered getting the better students. He said he thought a student given a choice between <br />$3.50 and $4.00 would take the $4.00, that other places are offering. Councilman Taylor said he <br />thought the intern was the one that benefitted by working the City. Councilman Taylor said he <br />would like to make a motion to amend the ordinance to reflect a salary of $3.50 per hour, which <br />Mr. Brunner confirmed would be a total of $15,137.00. Councilman Taylor made a motion to amend <br />the ordinance to $15,137, seconded by Councilman Dombrowski. <br />Councilman Kopezynski said he felt the $4.00 should be retained because of the quality of help. <br />Councilman Parent asked what the current rate of pay was for this kind of work elsewhere. Mr. <br />Brunner said an example would be the prosecutor's office, they are paying $4.00 an hour. He <br />said it was his understanding that there was a local law firm paying in excess of $4.00 per hour. <br />Mr. Brunner said that the city Attorney's office was "low man on the totem pole" as far as <br />salaries were concerned. Council President Parent asked for a comprehensive report from Mr. <br />Brunner on this problem, as well as the going rate of pay. <br />(Councilman Horvath said he sympathized with the city attorney, but we have the same problem in <br />many departments. He said if there was any possibility of saving money, he thought we should. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak said he agreed with Mr. Brunner. He said we had many interns paid $3.00 per <br />Ko-ur and they did not do the work. He said he would go along with the 50-� increase to.get better <br />performance. <br />Councilman Dombrowski questioned the turnover of interns during the summer. Mr. Brunner stated <br />that some of them lived out of the city and they returned home for the summer. He said we might <br />be able to induce them to stay if the $4.00 is approved. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak said there were a couple of interns that attended other universities that <br />came to South Bend and worked during the summer, and they had experience. <br />A roll call vote was taken for the amendment and defeated by four nays (Councilman Szymkowiak, <br />Kopczynski, Adams and Parent. There were four ayes (Councilman Miller, Taylor, Dombrowski and <br />Horvath). <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common Council, <br />seconded by Councilman Adams. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5906 -75 <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 20 -18 AND 20 -55, CHAPTER 20, <br />VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, IN THE MUNICIPAL CODE <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 1971. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above 'ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council President Parent made the presentation <br />for the ordinance. Council President Parent said that before Christmas there was an ordinance to <br />make parking free on Saturdays and Mondays on the consideration funds were appropriated. This <br />ordinance would make parking on Saturdays and Mondays free. He said he thought the development <br />of downtown needed support. He said he Was not arguing for free parking, just on Monday nights <br />and Saturdays only. He said it would cost the city about $20,000 per year to do this, and the <br />Council will have to appropriate funds to do this. He said he urged the Council to pass the <br />ordinance. <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, said that he did not <br />object to the ordinance. He only hoped the enactment of this ordinance does not force the city of <br />South Bend into an unfavorable position in regard to the parking garages. <br />Council President Parent said they had discussed the impact on the bond holders, and he had <br />been told the bond holders were only interested in the bills being paid. <br />Mayor Nemeth said he did not think the passage of this ordinance would place the city in an <br />unfavorable position with the garages. He said they all realized with the passage of this <br />ordinance they will have to do something for the funding of the garages. He said this will <br />also cause a decrease in the revenue as far as meeting the bond payments. <br />Mrs. Irene Mutzl, 310 Parkovash, a representative of the Fair Tax Association spoke in favor of <br />more downtown parking. She said the two hour parking has become popular. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak asked if Council President Parent had checked with the downtown merchants <br />to see if they were willing to help with financing. Council President Parent said that during <br />the holdidays they made a commitment, and there was a possibility they might be able to help. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak said that he would recommend that if this increased their sales after the <br />first three months they should be willing to help. <br />Councilman Adams said she would like to ask that a letter be written to the merchants that this <br />is for customers only, and their employees should not park on the street. <br />Councilman Miller said he was in favor of more downtown parking, and he would like to recommend <br />the lots next to Business Systems and South of Penny's. He said he would have to vote nay on <br />this ordinance because it is contrary to the bond issue. Despite the indications that the bond <br />holders might not file suit he said he has been lead to Believe it is in conflict. He said he <br />thought that we needed to provide free parking but there are other ways of doing it. <br />