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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Michael Vance, Chief Deputy Controller, made <br />the presentation for the ordinance. He indicated that the Sanitation Department dealt with the <br />sewage brought to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. He stated that the budget showed a 16% increas( <br />however, an expenditure of $52,000 for motor equipment had been cut in the 1975 budget. He stated <br />that the only large increase was in Account 530 which was used to pay the deductible on the city's <br />insurance. Under motor equipment, the bureau had plans to replace $63,100 worth of equipment. <br />He indicated that, in 1976, it was hoped a dump -unit truck could be replaced. He indicated that <br />it was also hoped one of the vehicles could be replaced with a one -half ton pickup and a payloader <br />was proposed to be replaced. Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Associatioi <br />asked about amounts concerning the equipment purchases. Mr. Vance indicated that he did not have <br />an exact figure on the purchases. Mr. Evans questioned the amount of usage of certain equipment, <br />such as the payloader. Mr. Morgan Peck, Manager of the Bureau of Sanitation, indicated that the <br />vehicle had been overhauled seven years ago and the mileage was recorded only as of that time. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that he had never asked for cuts and reductions in the materials <br />or operation of the departments in furnishing services, but he felt the travel expense was not a <br />public service. He recommended that the travel expense be cut by $200, and he made such a motion, <br />seconded by Council President Parent. Chairman Newburn cautioned the Council members on the cuts <br />being made to the various accounts, particularly the travel accounts. The motion lost. Councilmai <br />Miller wondered about the increase in the insurance account. Mr. Vance indicated that an audit <br />was made last year, and it was found that much of the equipment had not been insured. <br />Council President Parent made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common <br />Council, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion to recess, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried, <br />and the Committee of the Whole recessed at 7:55 p.m. Reconvened at 8:35 p.m. <br />Councilman Miller asked that the public hearing be combined on the two proposed ordinances con- <br />cerning budgets for the Bureau of Solid Waste. This was agreed to by the Council members. <br />ORDINANCES <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONEYS FOR THE <br />PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE <br />BUREAU OF SOLID WASTE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING <br />JANUARY 1, 1976, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, <br />1976, INCLUDING ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS <br />AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN <br />THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT (1); <br />and <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONEYS FOR THE <br />PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE <br />BUREAU OF SOLID WASTE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING <br />JANUARY 1, 1976, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, <br />1976, INCLUDING ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS <br />AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN <br />THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFECT (2). <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinances, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department <br />of Public Works, made the presentation for the ordinances. He indicated that the Council had been <br />advised of the proposed ordinances in caucus. He stated that one ordinance covered the regular <br />system of operation and the other ordinance recommended a change in the system to what was called <br />the Orbital System. He explained that primarily the Orbie system offered a savings so that the <br />customers could be given 150 plastic bags per year to replace the old system of garbage cans. <br />The system was quieter, cleaner and collection time was much faster. The long -term savings was <br />significant in Mr. Farrand's opinion. He indicated that the present equipment was in bad need of <br />repairs and this was one of the reasons the new system was being proposed. He indicated that both <br />budgets provided for the operation of a vehicle to maintain the paper route. He recommended that <br />the Council adopt the Orbital System for the reasons he had outlined. He stated that negotiations <br />have been made and a company has agreed to reduce the first year cost by $30,000 in order to <br />spread out the cost. He introduced Mr. Ed Otten, Vice President of Orbie of Indiana, located in <br />Crawfordsville, who spoke to the Council on the benefits of the proposed system. He indicated <br />that, among the benefits of the system, there was anticipated as many as 11,000 customers to start', <br />with in 1976. On this basis, at no increase in cost, 1,650,000 thirty - gallon containers would be <br />provided at about $165,000. He indicated that the system made a much more attractive community. <br />Mr. Farrand indicated that the budgets were primarily the same as last year. <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, wondered about the present <br />system and the number of trucks. Mr. Farrand indicated that the city had 13 trucks, 1 of which <br />was inoperative. He stated that the trucks covered 9 routes and 1 paper route with 2 trucks for <br />the CETA crews. Mr. Evans wondered about the Orbie system and number of trucks. Mr. Farrand <br />indicated that, with the Orbie system, there would be only 4 routes. He stated that the routes <br />would have to be re- organized anyway in the future. Mr. Evans wondered about how the Orbie system <br />has worked in other locations. Mr. Sandy Shelley, President of Orbital of Washington, indicated <br />that the corporation was about three years old and the system was now operating internationally. <br />He stated that the refuse compactor body has been operating quite successfully in Europe and has <br />started in the United States. Mr. Evans wondered about the possibility of the city getting out <br />of the solid waste business. Mr. Shelley indicated that Orbital was in the business of managing <br />and designing, but not operating. Mr. Evans- wondered about the problem of stray dogs tearing open <br />the bags left at the curb for pickup. Mr. Farrand indicated that the same problem was encountered <br />with dogs knocking over the garbage cans. Mr. Otten indicated that his experience with the bags <br />was not better or worse than the can method. He indicated that ties were furnished for the bags. <br />He felt the dogs were not that big a factor. Mr. Evans wondered about Accounts 321 and 324 and <br />the new Account 430. He indicated that the total was about $36,500. He stated that this was a <br />40% increase. Mr. Vance indicated that an additional $8,000 was appropriated by the Council for <br />gasoline in 1975. He indicated that the increase was only about 7% when the amounts for gas and <br />repair parts were considered separately. <br />