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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 25, 1975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />with respect to the matters specifically set forth in sub -parts "A" through <br />"E" of Paragraph 8 hereinabove, (1) without receiving a recommendation from <br />the joint committee described in Paragraph 8 (except where an emergency exists <br />and reasonably precludes referring of the matter to the joint committee for <br />its recommendation), or (2) contrary to the recommendation of such joint <br />committee, then the Board of Managers, pursuant to an officially adopted <br />resolution adopted at a meeting called for that purpose, may, within a <br />reasonable time thereafter furnish written notice to the Mayor of the City <br />of South Bend of its intention to discontinue its obligation to pay losses as <br />provided in Paragraph 13 hereinabove, as well as any other obligations of <br />support to the convention facility or its operation, not specified herein, to <br />which it may hereafter commit itself our of Hotel -Motel Tax revenues. Such <br />notice shall be served upon the Mayor of the City of South Bend either <br />personally or by Certified Mail, return receipt requested, and shall inform <br />the Mayor of the City of South Bend of the specific action or decision of the <br />Century Center Board to which the Board of Managers takes exception and advising <br />of its intent to invoke the provisions of this Paragraph relating to the dis- <br />continuance of its obligation to pay such losses or additional support. The <br />City of South Bend shall have fourteen (14) days following receipt of such <br />notice to receive a reversal of action or decision on the part of the Century <br />Center Board. If such action or decision of the Century Center Board is <br />vacated, set aside or reversed, the Board of Managers shall not be entitled <br />to discontinue its obligation to pay losses or additional support with respect <br />to such action or decision of the Century Center Board. If the decision or <br />action of the Century Center Board is not vacated, set aside or reversed within <br />such fourteen (14) day period, the Board of Managers shall be entitled to dis- <br />continue its obligation to pay losses or additional support at such time as it <br />shall designate. <br />Nothing contained herein shall relieve the Board of Managers of its responsibility <br />to make the $150,000.00 annual payment provided for in Paragraph 3, which obliga- <br />tion shall continue in effect so long as the Century Center Board operates and <br />uses the convention facility for convention purposes as provided in this <br />Agreement. Any discontinued obligations of the Board of Managers shall become <br />the obligation of the Century Center Board.. No action or failure to act on the <br />part of the Board of Managers, except by official resolution, shall constitute <br />a waiver of its right hereunder at any time. The remedy provided herein is not <br />exclusive. <br />Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department <br />the lease be numbered and this be included in <br />Miller and Councilman Kopczynski. Mr. Farrand <br />of Public Works, requested that the paragraphs of <br />the amendment. This was agreed to by Councilman <br />set forth the numbered paragraphs as follows: <br />Section 1. Purpose <br />Section 2. Agreement <br />Section 3. Payment of the Terms of This Agreement <br />Section 4. Designated Space <br />Section 5. Scheduling <br />Section 6. Equipment <br />Section 7. Common Space <br />Section 8. Operations <br />Section 9. Mediation and Arbitration <br />Section 10. Liability <br />Section 11. Revenues <br />Section 12. Parking <br />Section 13. Losses <br />Section 14. Board of Managers Reservation of Right to Discontinue its Obligation to <br />Pay for Losses From Operations <br />Section 15. Severability <br />The motion to amend the lease agreement carried. Councilman Horvath indicated that it was stated <br />in the lease that the first payment would not be made until 1978. He asked about this, and Mr. <br />Fred Kahn, member of the Civic Center Authority, indicated that the rental could not be collected <br />until the building was ready for use and this was the reason for the delayed date of 1978. Counc <br />man Miller indicated that there also was an unofficial agreement that part of the monies being <br />collected now would be used toward furnishing the facility. <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably, as amended, to the <br />Common Council, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FORM AND TERMS <br />OF A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND THE SOUTH BEND <br />COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZING <br />THE EXECUTION THEREOF PERTAINING TO THE SOUTH <br />BEND CIVIC CENTER. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Councilman Miller indicated that this ordinance <br />was a continuation of the public hearing for the preceding two ordinances. Councilman Nemeth <br />wondered if it would be possible to collect the money for operations in the future as the lease <br />was worded, and Mr. Rosenthal indicated that this was simply to reimburse the city. Mr. Joseph <br />Bradley, on the staff of the City Attorney, indicated that payments would be made twice a year to <br />the city and were not pledged to be used in any particular manner. Councilman Nemeth indicated <br />that the South Bend Community School Corporation had the right to sublease according to the lease <br />agreement. He wondered if the city should be able to approve this. He indicated that there was <br />no provision for city approval in the lease. Mr. Bradley indicated that the terms of a sublease <br />must still fall within the terms of the lease between the city and the school corporation. He <br />felt there would be no problem and approval of the city would not be needed. Mr. James Roemer, <br />City Attorney, indicated that Councilman Nemeth had a good point and he felt the lease could be <br />