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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />responsibility lies with the city on determining where the programs should be utilized. He did n <br />like to see people in the community with a negative attitude of denying other people within an ar <br />the right to improve their homes with financial assistance. He felt the persons who could not <br />afford to improve their homes should be given this assistance. He felt the area chosen was the <br />most effective area with the amount of money available. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that surveys had <br />been conducted in order to arrive at the designated areas for the projects, and these determinati <br />were based upon the most deterioration and lowest income level. He knew the program was not per- <br />fect and some people would be treated differently; however.,.he did not feel this could be <br />considered discrimination. He indicated that, in six months, a new application would have to be <br />submitted and the priorities would be re- written and the money would be re- distributed in other <br />areas. Councilman Horvath wondered how much of the $9 million would be going into housing within <br />the next three years. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that he would put all the money into housing if he <br />could; however, he guessed about $1 million would go toward housing improvements over the next <br />three years. Councilman Horvath felt the program should be utilized in a wider area but he could <br />understand why the money was being concentrated in certain areas. He hoped the money next time <br />could be utilized in another area. Councilman Taylor requested a roll call vote on the motion to <br />delay the matter. The motion was defeated by a roll call vote of six nays (Councilmen Serge, <br />Miller, Taylor, Horvath, Nemeth and Newburn) and two ayes (Councilmen Szymkowiak and Kopczynski). <br />Councilman Miller then made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common <br />Council, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion carried, with Councilmen Szymkowiak and <br />Kopczynski opposing. <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion to recess, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The motion carried, a <br />the Committee of the Whole recessed at 10:22 p.m. Reconvened at 10:40 p.m. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF <br />FUNDS FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />BLOCK GRANT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVOLVING FUND TO <br />BE ADMINISTERED BY THE SOUTHOLD HERITAGE <br />FOUNDATION, INC. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department <br />of Human Resources and Economic Development, made the presentation of the ordinance. He indicated <br />that the ordinance was part of a package for residential housing units for which Community <br />Development funds would be used. He introduced Mr. William Welsheimer, 1825 Wilbur Street, <br />President of the Southold Heritage Foundation. Mr. Welsheimer indicated that Southold Heritage <br />Foundation had been incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana a little over one year <br />ago. He indicated that the proposed ordinance would establish a revolving fund for housing <br />preservation in the West Washington Historic Preservation District. He stated that, with the <br />grant received, help would be given to people to improve and restore buildings within that area. <br />Councilman Serge wondered if this involved a commission, and Mr. Welsheimer indicated that there <br />would be a board to consist of two committees: a real estate committee and a loan committee. <br />Councilman Serge wondered who would determine what improvements would be made. Mr. Welsheimer <br />indicated that the individual would have to restore or preserve his home in the style in which it <br />was built. He indicated that guidelines would be established. Councilman Kopczynski wondered if <br />the banks were willing to loan money to the residents in that area. Mr. Welsheimer felt the banks <br />would be willing once the homes were brought up to standard. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that <br />not over 10% of the $75,000 would be used for administrative costs. Mr. Welsheimer indicated that <br />Councilman Kopczynski was correct. 'He indicated that there would be no paid employees; however, <br />some funds would have to be used for architects and engineers. Councilman Kopczynski wondered <br />about the rate of interest charged to the borrower, and Mr. Welsheimer indicated that the rate <br />would be below the prime rate. Councilman Kopczynski wondered if the Southold Heritage Foundation <br />would be willing to submit its records to the Council periodically, and Mr. Welsheimer indicated <br />that the foundation would be willing to do that. He indicated that an audit would also be con- <br />ducted. Councilman Nemeth wondered about the terms as far as time periods were concerned. Mr. <br />Welsheimer indicated that there would be six months to a year on a re- payment. Councilman Nemeth <br />wondered if a limit would be imposed, and Mr. Welsheimer indicated that that had not been decided <br />yet. Councilman Horvath wondered if the foundation would be coming back to the Council for addi- <br />tional funding, and Mr. Welsheimer indicated that it would not be; $20,000 would be` received from <br />the National Trust and the foundation would be going to the Lily Foundation for some funds for <br />historic preservation. Councilman Serge wondered if the city would receive the funds back, and <br />Mr. Welsheimer indicated that the fund would receive the money back. He stated that the money <br />would be kept moving. <br />Councilman.Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common <br />Council, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE <br />OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS <br />TO ESTABLISH A GUARANTEED LOAN PROGRAM. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department <br />of Human Resources and Economic Development, made the presentation of the ordinance. He explained <br />that the amount of $1001000 would be set aside as a loan insurance fund to be put on deposit in the <br />five major banks in South Bend, as a guarantee for high risk loans to be made by the banks. He <br />stated that program guidelines had been established. <br />Councilman Nemeth wondered about the advantages of the program. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the <br />program would make $200,000 in loans available to persons who could not receive a loan for rehabil <br />tation. He indicated that it was expected there would be some shrinkage in the fund. Councilman <br />Nemeth wondered who would be responsible for making decisions concerning the loans. Mr. Hojnacki <br />indicated that a committee would be established consisting of one person from each of the five <br />major banks, and three staff persons would also serve on that committee. Councilman Nemeth <br />wondered if anyone representing the city on that committee had any financial background, and Mr. <br />Hojnacki indicated that Mr. Crighton had financial background. He stated that the five people fro <br />the banks would bring that expertise to the committee. Councilman Nemeth wondered about the <br />