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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1.975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />about the amount for mileage allowance for 1976. Mr. James Barcome, City Controller, indicated <br />that there had been no additional amount requested in the 1976 budget to cover the increase. He <br />felt that the amount could be absorbed because it would not be too great. Councilman Kopczynski <br />wondered how the 15 cent figure compared to the cost of operation of the Water Works' fleet of <br />cars. He asked Mr. Krueper to provide that information, and Mr. Krueper indicated that he would <br />do 'so. <br />Councilman Serge made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common Council, <br />seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE <br />OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS <br />FOR VARIOUS REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRO- <br />GRAMS. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. C. Wayne Brownell, Executive Director of the <br />Department of Redevelopment, made the presentation for the ordinance. He indicated that the <br />ordinance would approve the allocation of $935,113 for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project R -66, <br />and the LaSalle Park Project R -57. He stated that the appropriation would be used to cover <br />administrative costs, legal costs, acquisition expenses, relocation costs, demolition, project <br />improvement, disposition, interest, real estate purchase and contingencies. <br />Councilman Nemeth wondered if this amount of money included any of the money the city owed the <br />Department of Redevelopment, and Mr. Brownell indicated that it did not. He explained that the <br />city owed the department approximately.$472,000 in cash flow and $430,000 to close the R -57 <br />project. Councilman Nemeth wondered if there would be any additional money owed in the future. <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that, in the A -10 Neighborhood Project, there would have to be $9,550 for <br />real estate and $2,800 in the inventory gap. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that he had requester <br />a report from the Mayor concerning the status of all federal programs. He stated that a copy had <br />been sent to Mr. Brownell. He wondered why his letter had not been answered. He wondered if any- <br />one was representing the Mayor concerning his request. Chairman Newburn indicated that it appeare( <br />no one was present to represent the Mayor. Councilman Miller asked for a breakdown on the amounts'. <br />for real estate and Mr. Brownell complied. <br />Councilman Miller made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common Council, <br />seconded by Councilman Serge. Councilman Kopczynski wondered if the administration had been <br />approached to make arrangements to clear up some of the balances in the various accounts. Mr. <br />Brownell indicated that there had been some discussion concerning that matter. Councilman <br />Kopczynski wondered if the Council should be kept aware of these discussions in order to take <br />steps ahead of time to clear up the debts. Mr. Brownell indicated that he had nothing to report <br />at this time concerning any arrangements. Councilman Horvath wondered when the amount of $900,000 <br />had to be repaid. Mr. Brownell indicated that there was no deadline until the project was com- <br />pleted. He indicated that there was no specific date. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE <br />OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS <br />FOR VARIOUS BUREAU OF HOUSING PROGRAMS. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department <br />of Human Resources and Economic Development, made the presentation for the ordinance. He explainer <br />that the various housing programs included $535,000 for the Project Area Rehabilitation Grants; <br />$150,000 for an Emergency Repair Program; $100,000 for referrals from the Housing Allowance Office; <br />and $50,000 for grants to non - profit groups. He stated that the project area rehabilitation grant: <br />would be divided between the Southeast Neighborhood and an extension of the Model Cities rehabili- <br />tation area north of Lincolnway. He stated that the other programs would be city -wide. He <br />indicated that the following two ordinances dealt with more specific programs, such as the historic <br />preservation revolving funds for the West Washington Historic Preservation District and a guarante( <br />loan program. <br />Dr. Lillian Stanton, 919 Oak Ridge Drive, wondered what had happened to the request of the YWCA <br />for $30,000 for various improvements which had been discussed at the public hearing when the <br />Community Development application had been approved. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that this request <br />could be included in the project area rehabilitation grants. Mrs. Jane Swan, 2022 South Swygart <br />Avenue, wondered about the cost to the city for these various programs. She stated that the <br />Housing Allowance Office program was not supposed to cost the city any money and yet $100,000 was <br />being requested for referrals from the HAO. She talked about the amount spent by the city for <br />rehabilitation of many homes. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the Community Development funds were <br />not "free funds" and there were restrictions on how the money could be spent. He indicated that <br />the HAO did not cover every possible contingency. Mrs. Swan wondered how the emergency would be <br />determined in the emergency repair program. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the program had been <br />utilized in the Model Cities area. Mr. Keith Crighton, Manager of the Bureau of Housing, explainer <br />that the emergency calls would be received from the various social agencies. An inspection was <br />conducted usually within 45 minutes after the telephone call. It was then determined by a three - <br />man committee whether or not it was an emergency. If so, a contractor was to be notified to pro- <br />ceed with the work. Mrs. Swan wondered if the program would be operated on a 24 -hour basis, and <br />Mr. Crighton indicated that that was impossible to do at this time. He indicated that the funds <br />were not available to staff a person 24 hours a day every day of the week. He stated that he <br />wished this could be done. Mrs. Swan wondered if the people living in specific project areas <br />would benefit from the Community Development grants, and Mr. Hojnacki indicated that there would <br />not be a double subsidy. Mrs. Mary Grace``!Mellander, 1064 Woodward Avenue, indicated that she was <br />a member of the newly formed group of home owners of the near northwest side. She indicated that <br />the group did not want to have any government project money in that area and the group had organiz( <br />to take care of its own neighborhood. She stated that some money had been appropriated for the <br />project in that area. She talked about the problems and restrictions that would be imposed on that <br />neighborhood. Mr. Hojnacki.indicated that the goal of the program was to update and upgrade <br />neighborhoods that were deteriorating. He indicated that a housing project would not be construct( <br />if this was what the group believed would happen. He stated that some resources were being made <br />