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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 7 197 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />recommended that the Parent ordinance be amended and then acted upon favorably. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak stated that he was glad to see the citizen participation at the meeting. He felt both <br />ordinances were well done and there was very little difference. He stated that he had signed the <br />ordinance of the A- Residential Association in order to bring it before the Council. He expressed <br />concern for the handicapped. Councilman Kopczynski asked for a show of hands from those people <br />in the audience who resided in the Sixth District'. He stated that there were shortcomings in <br />both ordinances. He talked about widows and their need to rent in order to receive an income. <br />He could not understand how people who have resided in the city only a couple years could suddenly <br />be experts on the problems facing South Bend. He stated that he had requested, over two and one - <br />half years ago, an explanation of the causes of deterioration and had never received a reply from <br />Dr. John Kromkowski, the then director of the Human Resources Department. He felt the problem was <br />being attacked in the wrong way and he felt neither ordinance would help solve the problem. He <br />felt it was very obvious what was happening and the laws of the city were not being enforced. He <br />stated that the ordinances being considered were insignificant to the problem, and the zoning laws <br />must be enforced. Councilman Serge stated that he, too, felt the laws should be enforced and some <br />solution to the problem would be given. He felt the Parent ordinance was more restrictive; <br />however, he hoped there would be more time to consider the issue. Chairman Newburn stated that he <br />wanted to give credit to both sides and he indicated that he really appreciated the citizens' <br />comments concerning an issue that was very controversial. He indicated that he would not be <br />pressured into making a decision, and he felt the two ordinances could be drawn together and the <br />majority of the people would be satisfied. He stated that not everyone would be pleased with the <br />outcome. Council President Parent indicated that every ordinance could be improved upon. He felt <br />compromises had been made on his proposal, and he stated that he had conducted a meeting concernin <br />the matter and considerable time had been put into the issue. He hoped there would not be a delay <br />He wondered what further compromise would be possible. He urged passage of the ordinance at this <br />time, rather than delaying the issue. <br />Council President Parent made a motion to amend the ordinance he had sponsored as he had requested <br />earlier in the public hearing, seconded by Councilman Miller. The motion carried. Councilman <br />Taylor stated that he felt, if he was to vote on the ordinance at this time, he would be doing so <br />because many people wanted action. He felt this was not wise. He stated that he recognized that <br />the issue was important and should be dealt with. He stated that, when he was ready, he would <br />take a clear -cut stand; however, he felt, at this time, that he would like a minimum of 30 days <br />to reflect on the comments made. He indicated that the citizens involved had spent much time <br />researching the matter and the councilmen had not been given that opportunity. Councilman Horvath, <br />felt the ordinances would not stop deterioration but might have some affect on the problem. He, <br />too, felt more time was needed on behalf of the Council in view of the many comments made by the <br />citizens. <br />Council President Parent made a motion that the ordinance be recommended favorably to the Common <br />Council, as amended, seconded by Councilman Miller. Chairman Newburn requested a roll call vote <br />on the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of five ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, <br />Miller, Newburn and Parent) and three nays (Councilmen Taylor, Kopczynski and Horvath) with <br />Councilman Nemeth absent. <br />Councilman Miller then made a motion to strike the ordinance of the A- Residential Association, <br />signed by Councilman Szymkowiak. The motion was seconded by Council President Parent. The motion <br />carried. <br />There was a request for a short recess. Recessed at 12:15 a.m. Reconvened at 12:35 a.m. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SALARIES PAID TO <br />CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES. <br />Councilman Miller made a motion to continue the public hearing to the April 21, 1975, regular <br />meeting of the Council, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. Council President Parent felt the <br />public hearing could be conducted at this time. Councilman Miller indicated that the ordinance h <br />been sponsored by Councilman Nemeth and he was not at the meeting to make a presentation of the <br />ordinance as he was ill. He felt it was only fair to continue the public hearing. The motion <br />carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $4,500.00 FROM <br />THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, <br />FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAMS, TO <br />BE ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Michael Carrington, Public Safety Director, <br />made the presentation for the ordinance. He explained that the funds would be used to complete <br />the furnishing of Fire Station No. 4, which would include the purchase of a gas range, three <br />refrigerators, 40 beds and lockers, dining -room chairs and tables. <br />Councilman Kopczynski wondered if the new---station was built according to the recommendations of <br />the National Insurance Association. Mr. Carrington indicated that he could not answer Councilman <br />Kopczynski's question. Councilman Kopczynski wondered if Mr. Carrington agreed that the location <br />of the station was adequate, and Mr. Carrington indicated that he would go along with the recommen <br />dation of the Fire Chief on the matter. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that the location of the <br />fire station was not the site recommended in a study made which cost the city $30,000. He felt <br />the location of this station would not upgrade the city's fire rating. He felt the safety directo <br />should research the entire issue. He asked that the ordinance be tabled until such a time that <br />answers were given as to why the fire station was constructed at the Olive Street site. Mr. <br />Carrington indicated that the station was already constructed, and he hoped the department could <br />occupy the station as soon as possible so that it could be put to use. Councilman Szymkowiak <br />stated that he was under the impression that the cost of furnishing the station was included in th <br />original price tag. Mr. Carrington talked about the increase in materials. He indicated that <br />the original amount was primarily for the construction and landscaping. Councilman Szymkowiak <br />indicated that the station had been cut down from its original proposal. He could not understand <br />