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6 0 l� <br />REGULAR MEETING APRIL 7 1975 <br />IREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Chairman Newburn wondered if the Council could work this out with Mr. Hojnacki in caucus. Counci <br />Miller felt the resolution should provide for Council review of the budget before expenditures. <br />He felt that would take care of any problem in the future. The motion carried. <br />(Councilman Miller then made a motion to insert a new Section II in the resolution as follows: <br />For each program activity as established under this resolution, the Mayor shall <br />submit to the Common Council a line item budget in ordinance form prior to <br />expenditures of any grant money received upon approval of this application. <br />Councilman Kopczynski seconded the motion. The motion carried. Councilman Miller also made a <br />motion to include the following as a C -12 objective to the grant application: <br />Develop program for code enforcement - First year goal: Propose a neighborhood <br />standards ordinance and a housing inspection ordinance to provide clear powers and <br />responsibilities for housing inspectors. <br />Councilman Kopczynski seconded the motion. The motion carried. <br />Councilman Miller then stated that he wished to change some of the amounts incorporated in the <br />grant application. He felt all the Substandard Building Department funds should be put under the <br />Community Development program and change $15,000 from the planning and management category. He <br />asked if this could be accomplished. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the area officials' opinion was <br />that all the substandard building costs and demolition could not be put under the Community <br />Development program. He stated that HUD funds could only be used in those areas designated by the <br />city as those areas needing housing assistance. Councilman Miller asked that something be <br />developed on the Niles Avenue project, and Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the document would be <br />subject to review in six months. Councilman Serge wondered about the request for funds by the <br />Historic Preservation Commission. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that he supported the idea; however, the <br />survey to be conducted must be made on a county -wide basis. He was not sure of the total dimensior <br />of the survey at this time, and he stated that he would like to take a good look at the request as <br />it would be an administrative function. <br />Councilman Newburn made a motion to adopt the resolution, as amended, seconded by Councilman Serge, <br />The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, <br />Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Newburn and Parent) with Councilman Nemeth absent. <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL TO <br />STUDY GUIDELINES NECESSARY TO PREVENT <br />CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Councilman Miller explained his reasons <br />for sponsoring the resolution. He talked about the improvement of the image and responsibility of <br />the Council. He stated that ethics and city -wide conflicts of interest was a concern. He indicat <br />that a bill was being considered in the legislature on conflicts of interest, and he felt that, as <br />a legislative body, the Council should discuss the issue of checking standards. He felt it was a <br />fitting time to have this sort of an issue discussed openly by the Council. He recommended that <br />the Council act favorably on the resolution in order that good guidelines could be established. <br />Councilman Kopczynski wondered what recent incident had prompted the preparation of the resolution. <br />Councilman Horvath stated that he felt the resolution was political. He stated that the resolution <br />should be taken to the Committee of the Whole. He made such a motion, seconded by Councilman <br />Newburn. He indicated that the Council had the authority to call an investigation, and he felt the <br />resolution was not necessary and also was politically motivated. Councilman Taylor stated that he <br />could not see how anyone could be against the concept of the resolution. He referred to the draft <br />outline of the resolution concerning the employment of a city employee as a vendor. He wondered <br />about the moonlighting of the policemen and firemen. He stated that, in dealing with the ethics <br />legislation, it would be time consuming if done in the right manner. Councilman Kopczynski talked <br />about a particular case of conflicts of interest concerning work not being done for the taxpayers. <br />He stated that an initial investigation showed that the particular employee involved was not <br />spending enough time on his job. He felt the resolution should be wholeheartedly adopted by the <br />Council. Councilman Szymkowiak agreed with Councilman Kopczynski. <br />Council President Parent made a motion to strike the second Whereas clause from the resolution and <br />insert the word "elected" in the first and last Whereas clause where it referred to officials and <br />employees. He further amended the resolution to insert the words "elected officials" after the <br />word "employees" in Section 2. Councilman Miller seconded the motion to amend. The motion carries <br />Councilman Miller felt an issue such as this needed to be brought out in public and debated. He <br />felt there was very valuable input from the citizens when certain matters were brought out in the <br />open. He felt the resolution was needed in case the Council wished to subpoena any individuals in <br />the futurein an investigation. Councilman Newburn indicated that the Council did not operate <br />behind closed doors. He wondered if Councilman Miller was trying to imply that. He stated that <br />the caucuses have been open to the press. Councilman Kopczynski stated that he felt Councilman <br />Newburn had made an incorrect statement. He stated that he had sponsored a resolution to open all <br />caucus meetings to the press because of a recent controversy concerning a closed meeting. He <br />reminded Councilman Newburn that his resolution had been defeated by the Council. Council Presider. <br />Parent indicated that, "99.9 percent of the time, caucuses were open to the public ". There was a <br />call for the question on the original motion to refer the resolution to the Committee of the Whole. <br />Council President Parent requested a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried by a roll <br />call vote of five ayes (Councilmen Serge, Taylor, Horvath, Newburn and Parent) and three nays <br />(Councilmen Szymkowiak, Miller and Kopczynski) with Councilman Nemeth absent. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 477 -75 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, APPROVING <br />THE AWARDING OF THE FIFTEEN CONTRACTS IN <br />EXCESS OF $5,000 FOR REHABILITATION WORK <br />IN THE SOUTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT <br />PROGRAM. <br />WHEREAS, under provisions of Ordinance No. 5689 -74, passed by the South Bend <br />