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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />ORDINANCE (CONTINUED) PROGRAMS, TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT <br />OF PUBLIC SAFETY. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Taylor made a motion to set the ordinance for public <br />hearing and second reading on March 10, 1975, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The motion carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. James Russell, 1517 Fremont, indicated that about 20 petitions would be circulated soon within <br />the city calling for investigation of the house burning which has occurred in South Bend at various <br />locations. He felt it was impossible to burn down as many homes as in South Bend without finding <br />the arsonists. He felt certain federal housing programs would destroy the inner city, and he felt <br />protection should be given the citizens regarding these house burnings. He referred to the incidei <br />regarding "Old Tom" which had occurred in January. He questioned the sub - contractors doing the <br />electrical wiring jobs and wondered how many of these contractors were black. He felt the <br />electricians were "bootlegging" and, again referring to the incident involving "Old Tom ", he <br />stated that a man was merely trying to protect his home. He wondered who authorized the contractor <br />to do the wiring. He talked about the election year underway. He talked about the many number of <br />blacks giving up hope because they were being discriminated against. He wondered what the present <br />administration and Council had done to help the black people. <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, 403 Lincolnway West, read the following statement concerning plans for the <br />Crime Commission for 1975: <br />South Bend Common Council February 24, 1975 <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Gentlemen: <br />Members of the South Bend Crime Commission met in caucus earlier this month to <br />discuss plans for 1975 along the lines we reported to you in December. A committee <br />was appointed to review these and other ideas, and will report to the full Commission <br />next month. <br />We request that as early as possible the Council appoint someone to replace Mr. <br />Dean Johnson who died last summer and whose place has not yet been filled. <br />We were disappointed that no one from the Council or administration invited any <br />of our members to participate in discussions on a police merit system particularly in <br />view of the fact that one of our members had considerable knowledge on this matter. <br />We plan to operate, at least for <br />and will carry on to the best of our a] <br />request that in addition to the Police <br />with the Commission, that someone from <br />a liaison person to work directly with <br />be needed. <br />the present, without public or private funds <br />Dility. In line with this new procedure, we <br />Liaison Officer already assigned to and working <br />the Department of Public Safety be assigned as <br />the Commission and assist in research that may <br />Members of the Commission having accepted to serve in this area feel a special <br />responsibility to the citizens who have been contacting members about local situations. <br />We feel that the knowledge we gained last year can, and should, be put to use by con- <br />tinuing to work with all citizens, organizations and public officials. <br />copy: Mayor Miller <br />News Media <br />Director of Safety <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />SOUTH BEND CRIME COMMISSION <br />s/ Virginia Guthrie <br />Secretary <br />Miss Guthrie submitted the letter to the Council members and the City Clerk. <br />Mrs. Irene Mutzl, 320 Parkovash, talked about the amount of trash and debris scattered in the <br />downtown mall. She wondered who was responsible for the cleaning of the mall area and how often <br />this was accomplished. Council President Parent indicated that he felt this was a responsibility <br />of the Department of Public Works. He directed the City Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Farrand <br />concerning the problem. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Councilman Szymkowiak wondered about the purchase of the Frances Street property as a site for the <br />Delos House. He wondered if this had been accomplished yet as the Council had not heard anything <br />further regarding the matter. Councilman Serge indicated that the deal had been completed and the <br />Delos House would be relocated to Frances Street. <br />Councilman Miller congratulated Council President Parent on his manner of conducting the meeting, <br />referring to the fire station issue. He felt Council president Parent had followed correct <br />parliamentary procedure. He also felt that disagreements of this type among Council members were <br />a strength rather than a weakness because it showed that the Council did not want to hide anything <br />and shared ,a deep concern on many items before the Council. He felt the meetings were good exampl( <br />of "open town forums ". Councilman Kopczynski again repeated that, when he had the floor, he wishe< <br />to be able to question the administration and not be ruled out of order. Councilman Horvath <br />indicated that the Council should concentrate on the issue before the Council and not go into <br />other aspects which he felt Councilman Kopczynski had been doing. Councilman Newburn urged the <br />Council to read the Municipal Code concerning meeting conduct. He indicated that he was thankful <br />that the girl scout troop which had been in attendance at the meeting had left before the outburst; <br />�s <br />1 <br />