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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Your Committee on Human Resources and Economic Development, to whom was referred <br />a resolution of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, establishing the <br />authority of the Mayor to designate individuals authorized to draw on a letter of credit <br />executed for grants under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, <br />respectfully report that it has examined the matter and that in its opinion the Council <br />has been assured that this procedure as required by the Housing and Community Development <br />Act provides only for the receipt of funds by the city from HUD and does not authorize <br />any procedure for the disbursement of funds. The procedure for the disbursement of funds <br />is subject to the resolution passed by the Council of January 13, 1975, that provided <br />for a submission of a contract or budget within 90 days. <br />Therefore, your committee recommends passage of this resolution. <br />s/ Terry S. Miller <br />Chairman <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, 403 Lincolnway West, wondered who had control of the funds once they were <br />received. Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department of Human Resources and Economic <br />Development, stated that, depending on how the funds are spent, there would be both a citizens' <br />advisory committee and review board and the Redevelopment Commission. The legislation provides <br />for a citizen involvement procedure. <br />Councilman Horvath made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Councilman Serge. The <br />resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, <br />Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 475 -75 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND (sale of property <br />located at 2222 Lincolnway West and <br />1210 Thomas Street). <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, pursuant to Section <br />30A -2 of the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, adopted Resolution No. 4 on <br />February 17, 1975, authorizing the sale of certain parcels of real estate owned by <br />the city which are no longer necessary to the public use and are not set aside by <br />State or City law for public purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of South Bend to immediately take <br />affirmative action in making the particular parcels of real property, to -wit: <br />Street Address Deed No. <br />2222 Lincolnway West 267 <br />1210 Thomas Street 760 <br />available for disposition; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City <br />to Section 30A -2 of the Municipal Code of the <br />in such resolutions in a period less than the <br />be contrary to the Board's resolution; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the <br />hereby authorizes approval of the sale of the <br />described, and directs the Board of Public Wo <br />said property. <br />of South Bend has the authority, pursuant <br />City of South Bend, to act affirmatively <br />30 days required for action which would <br />Common.Council of the City of South Bend <br />excess particulars of real property herein <br />rks to go forth with the disposition of <br />s/ Roger 0. Parent <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the <br />Department of Public Works, explained that the new fire station on Olive Street was nearing <br />completion and would soon be available for occupancy by the Fire Department. He requested that <br />the Council adopt the resolution which would authorize the disposition of the old stations at <br />2222 Lincolnway West and 1210 Thomas Street. He stated that the Board of Public Works had <br />recommended that the parcels be advertised for sale. <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, 403 Lincolnway West, talked about the proposed abandonment of Station No. 5 <br />some time ago and its need at the present time. She indicated that she was glad the station had <br />not been sold for surplus property because it was needed. She wondered if there was any chance <br />the stations would be used in the foreseeable future. Mr. Farrand indicated that this matter had <br />been discussed by the Fire Chief at cabinet meetings, and it was determined that the properties <br />should be sold for surplus. Councilman Szymkowiak could not see selling the No. 11 station on <br />Lincolnway West. He stated that it was decided there would be a four -bay station on Olive with <br />ambulet service. He stated that this did not become a reality. He felt the station on Lincolnway <br />could be used as an ambulet service and police sub- station. He felt the building could not be <br />replaced today for $100,000. He talked about the expansion on the west side of town and felt that <br />for this reason, the No. 11 station should be saved and utilized. He stated that the airport <br />should furnish its own station. Mr. Farrand indicated that he was not aware of any proposals to <br />build a fire station near the airport. Chief Jack Bland indicated that he understood Councilman <br />Szymkowiak's concern for the property; however, he was speaking in terms of economy and the over- <br />lapping of districts. He suggested that the station at 2222 Lincolnway West does cover a sizeable <br />portion of the 1st and 2nd districts; however, those districts were served by four engine companie <br />and that number would not change. Councilman Serge wondered if the station at 2222 Lincolnway We: <br />could be salvaged for a few years in an effort to determine if the station would be needed in the <br />future. Chief Bland stated that, at the present time, there was no money or manpower available fc <br />extra ambulance service or a fire station at this location with another station only a few blocks <br />away. Councilman Miller stated that the station had been built under a bond issue approved by the <br />previous administration. He indicated that the bond issue left to the discretion of the city the <br />location for the fire station. He felt the Olive Street station was needed as a replacement to <br />the Thomas Street station; however, he felt the city would have to build, in the future, a station <br />