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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 27, 1975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />approve only a down payment at this time. She wondered why Delos House could not be phased out <br />since it has received such opposition. She asked if there was any other way to take care of the <br />problem. Dr. Wilett felt there was no other appropriate treatment than a residential treatment <br />center and this was essential. He explained that Delos House has four phases, and at present <br />there were 5 persons in Phase IV on an outpatient basis. There were 11 or 12 persons involved in <br />the first three phases. He explained that the estimate of 25 persons was based upon what NIDAS <br />thought was the need for the community. Mrs. Lee Swan, 2022 South Swygart, wondered why the city <br />was so eager to purchase a building for something which had been referred to as an "experimental <br />rogram ". Mr. Hojnacki referred to the Metropolitan Drug Abuse Council, and he stated that he <br />elt the program developed was the most effective program which could be developed with the amount <br />of money used to operate it. Mrs. Swan wondered if a public hearing would be held in the area <br />where the site was proposed to be purchased, and Mr. Hojnacki indicated that this would not be <br />done. He added that there had been considerable publicity on the possible locations for the <br />center. Mrs. Swan indicated that she remembered reading that a public hearing would be held. She <br />wondered if the $50,000 would be the total price of the building. Mr. Hojnacki stated that, if <br />the Council approved the ordinance, the amount of $50,000 could not be exceeded. He was hopeful <br />that a building could be purchased for much less than that. Mrs. Swan felt the same thing was <br />happening in the Frances Street location as what happened in the Park Avenue location where the <br />treatment center was now located. She indicated that the enrollment usually varied from 6 to 10 <br />persons and yet the program was funded for 25 persons. She could not understand this. Mr. Hojnac} <br />indicated that he had not meant to appear disrespectful to Mrs. Swan's question about public <br />involvement. He talked about the establishment of the site relocation committee and the survey of <br />real estate listings which was conducted. Stringent criteria was established for the need, at <br />which time, 3 to 5 buildings were found suitable. From those 5 buildings, it became apparent that <br />the Frances Street location was the nearest to the criteria and price range established. He state <br />that care was taken in the selection process and ample publicity had been given to the issue. He <br />stated that he would not object to submitting a resolution to the Council on the site relocation <br />when it was determined. Mrs. Annabelle Brehmer, 609 North Lafayette Boulevard, wondered about the <br />salaries for the directors in the program. Dr. Wilett stated that the $50,000 appropriation for <br />the Human Resources Department was being discussed and not the issue of salaries. Chairman Newbur <br />asked that Dr. Wilett answer the question. Dr. Wilett indicated that the director's salary ranged <br />from $12,500 to $15,000, the assistant director received $8,500 and the coordinators' salaries <br />ranged from $6,400 to $7,500. Mrs. Brehmer wondered how many persons were drawing salaries. Dr. <br />Wilett stated that there were 4 full -time staff members for the 18 persons in the program. Mrs. <br />Brehmer wondered if this included Dr. Wilett's salary, and Dr. Wilett indicated that it did not. <br />He stated that presently 111 people were in treatment at the Lighthouse, Aurora House and Delos <br />House. Mrs. Brehmer asked about Dr. Wilett's salary, and he stated that he received $24,000 a <br />year in salary. He indicated that he was a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. and could be earnin <br />a great deal more money if he was in private practice. Mr. Fred Crimmins, 813 East Miner Street, <br />talked about the lack of police security in the northeast area and yet the area was being dis- <br />cussed as a new location for a drug treatment center. He stated that the area also was a "medical <br />hub" in the city, and he questioned the relocation of the center in that area. <br />Councilman Taylor talked about a murder in one of the local psychiatric hospitals which had <br />occurred a few months ago. He felt the public had accepted rehabilitation for mental health probl( <br />but had a hatred for the drug problem which was part of mental health. He talked about security it <br />the psychiatric wards, stating that he did not feel there was tight security, and the drug users <br />at Delos House should not be subjected to tight security or confined. He felt the drug problem wa; <br />severe and many people were not even aware of its involvement in society. He wondered how the <br />citizens could accept someone who was psychotic yet not accept the drug users. He wished the <br />citizens could stop "blasting" the drug program because he felt it was as good or better than any <br />other program offered elsewhere. Councilman Kopczynski felt the ordinance was not specific enough <br />and that the ordinance was asking that $50,000 be spent for "a building He felt the Council <br />should make amendments to the ordinance if it was the wish of the Council to pass it. He stated <br />that he felt the drug program was a necessity in the community; however, the people were concerned <br />about the administration of the program and the location of the treatment center. He felt the <br />matter should perhaps be tabled until the problems could be resolved. He asked which district <br />councilman had received any requests from citizens in his district to have the program located <br />there. There was no response. He felt that the feeling was that the program should be located in <br />some area where it was zoned institutional and there was good security. He, too, referred to the <br />Lighthouse murder, and the record of persons escaping from Delos House. Councilman Serge asked <br />about the National Drug Abuse Center in Kentucky and that particular type of program. Dr. Wilett <br />explained that, between 1939 and 1963, there were two locations in the country in which over <br />63,000 addicts were sent. He stated that these were institutions, and it proved to be a failure. <br />In 1963, it was found that there was response in community -based programs, and he indicated that <br />the recommendations made were also made on the national level. He stressed the importance of a <br />residential treatment center for rehabilitation. Councilman Serge indicated that he had received <br />a request from someone on the possible use of another location for the treatment center, and he <br />stated that he would discuss this with Mr. Hojnacki and Dr. Wilett. Councilman Szymkowiak wonderer <br />why this was not taken care of on the state level if the program was so worthwhile. He stated that <br />it was not known how much money would be needed to rehabilitate the proposed building for the <br />center. He stated that he felt the drug users should be accommodated in the state institutions. <br />Councilman Miller wondered if the ordinance should be amended to read "real estate" rather than <br />"building" in Section I. Mr. Walter Lantz, Chief Deputy Controller, indicated that he could see <br />no problem with the wording of the ordinance because land and buildings could be purchased; however <br />he did not see any problems in amending the ordinance to read "real estate" either. Councilman <br />Miller wondered if a legal description was available for the 420 North Frances Street property. <br />Mr. Hojnacki indicated that he did not have the legal description at the present time. Councilman <br />Miller wondered if the necessary remodeling could be accomplished before the building was purchase <br />Mr. Hojnacki stated that some remodeling would have to be done before purchase of the building in <br />order to be in compliance with the regulations of the State Fire Marshall. He stated that this <br />could be done within the line item. Councilman Miller wondered if there was an appraisal made on <br />the property. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that one appraisal had been completed at $42,.000. He stated <br />that a second appraisal would be ready on Tuesday. Councilman Nemeth asked when the decision woul <br />be reached on the relocation. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that, hopefully a final decision would be <br />made by the end of the week. Councilman Nemeth asked about the proposed location, and Mr. Hojnacki <br />again stated that the final decision had not yet been made. Councilman Nemeth wondered who would <br />hold the title on the property, and Mr. Hojnacki indicated that the city would. Councilman Nemeth <br />felt it was difficult to appropriate the funds and,not know where the money was going. He felt th <br />ordinance was very vague. Councilman Horvath stated that he was in favor of the program; however, <br />i <br />