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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 91 1974 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS (CONTINUED) <br />Council regarding the approval of all claims filed against the city, hereby makes the <br />following recommendations: <br />1. That the Council should approve all claims against the city as provided <br />by Burns Indiana Statutes Annotated, Section 48 -1301; <br />2. That all claims submitted for payment to the City of South Bend shall be con- <br />tained on the form which is attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked "Exhibit A ". <br />Said form should be signed by the appropriate officer or employee or department o <br />bureau head; <br />3. That itemized receipts must be attached to every claim which is submitted. <br />If, for any reason, an itemized receipt is not available, then the person submitting <br />the claim must file an affidavit with the claim form which shall be substantially in <br />the following words: <br />The undersigned, under the pains and penalties of perjury, affirms: <br />1. That he or she is authorized to submit the attached claim; <br />2. That no itemized receipt is available to justify said claim; <br />3. That said claim was incurred as a result of legal and valid business <br />for or on behalf of the City of South Bend. <br />Dated this day of , 19 <br />4. That Section 2 -10 of the Municipal Code be amended to include a Committee <br />on Claims as a standing committee; <br />5. That the Committee on Claims.should review all claims submitted for approval <br />and make its recommendations to the Council at its regular meetings. <br />Peter J. Nemeth <br />Chairman <br />Councilman Parent made a motion to accept the report as read and place it on file, seconded by <br />Councilman Taylor. The motion carried. <br />REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Council President Nemeth announced that Mr. Hojnacki had submitted a written report to the Counci] <br />members in lieu of an oral report. <br />PRTTTTnMq <br />TO: The Honorable Common Council <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />The George F. Burnett Company, Inc., 902 West Ireland Road, South Bend, Indiana, by <br />its president, George F. Burnett, respectfully shows that it is the owner of the following <br />described real estate located in St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, which said real <br />estate is adjacent and contiguous to the City of South Bend, Indiana, to -wit: <br />A part of the SW 1/4 Section 26 T37N, R6E Centre Township, <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana, bounded on the north by the <br />north line of said SW 1/4; bounded on the east by the east <br />line.of said SW 1/4; bounded on the south by the north line <br />of the South Bend ByPass; and bounded on the west by the <br />east line of Penn Central Railroad. Contains 9 acres, more <br />or less. <br />The George F. Burnett Company, Inc., by its president, George F. Burnett, further <br />shows that it owns one hundred percent (100 %) of the above described land and requests <br />that the Common Council of the City of South Bend adopt a special ordinance within sixty <br />(6) days from the date that this Petition is filed, for the purpose of annexing said <br />described land to the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Attest: <br />S/ Alice S. Burnett <br />Secretary <br />The George F. Burnett Company, Inc. <br />By s/ George F. Burnett <br />President <br />This instrument prepared by Richard W. Morgan, Thornburg, McGill, Deahl, Harman, Carey <br />& Murray, Sixth Floor, First Bank Building, P.O. Box 1837, South Bend, Indiana 46634 <br />(219) 233 -1171, Attorneys for the Petitioner. <br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the zoning Ordinance <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as hereinafter requested, and in support of this <br />application, the following facts are shown: <br />