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1.1? . <br />REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28 1983 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1031 -83 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT TO THE UNITED <br />STATES GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, <br />AN APPLICATION FOR 1983 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br />FUNDS UNDER TITLE I OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />ACT OF 1977 AS AMENDED IN THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN a <br />ACT OF 1981. <br />WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana, is the Chief Executive <br />Officer of the CIty, and is the applicant for Community Development Block Grant Funds <br />under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977, as amended by the <br />Housing and Community Development Act of 1981. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the city of South Bend, <br />Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana is hereby authorized <br />to submit the 1983 Community Development Block Grant Application to the United States <br />government under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 as <br />amended by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1981. <br />SECTION II. That the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, hereby <br />requests that the Mayor submit the 1983 Community Development Block Grant Application <br />to the Common Council for review and comment prior to the date upon which the Community <br />Development Block Grant Application must be filed with the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development. <br />SECTION III. That for every activity, project, or program to be funded under <br />this Resolution, the Mayor shall submit to the Common Council an appropriation ordinance <br />prior to expenditure of any Community Development Block Grant funds received upon <br />approval of this application. <br />SECTION IV. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Beverlie J. Beck <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Colleen Rosenfeld, Director <br />of Community Development, gave a brief outline of the proposed Community Development <br />budget. Glendarae Hernandez, 702 E. South, spoke against some of the items in this <br />budget._ Stephen Luecke, 754 Lenland Ave., member of the Community Development Action <br />Coalition indicated the committee has little say in setting the budget. He indicated <br />the CAC should be involved early in the budget process. Council Member Taylor made a <br />motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Harris. The resolution <br />was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes. <br />BILLS, FIRST READING <br />BILL NO. 15 -83 <br />A BILL APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN HRP COMPANY AND THE <br />BOARD OF WATER WORKS COMMISSIONERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,800.00 <br />FOR THE RELOCATION OF OLIVE STREET WATER MAINS. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Taylor made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and second reading March 14, and refer it to the Utilities Committee, <br />seconded by Council Member Zielinski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 16 -83 A BILL APPROPRIATING $52,500.00 TO THE BUREAU OF SEWERS LINE <br />ITEM 260 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FROM THE SEWAGE WORKS DEPRECIATION <br />FUND FOR THE RENOVATION OF MANHOLES. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Taylor made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and second reading March 14, and refer it to the Utilities Committee <br />seconded by Council Member Zielinski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 17 -83 <br />A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br />TO ADD A NEW ARTICLE 1, ENTITLED CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISING. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member McGann made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and second reading March 14, and refer it to the Public Works <br />Committee seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 18 -83 A BILL AUTHORIZING THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE INTERESTS OF WELTEK, <br />INC., UNDER THE $550,000 CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND (WELTEK, INC. PROJECT) TO OSWALD <br />DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, AN INDIANA PARTNERSHIP. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member McGann made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and second reading March 14, and refer it to the Human Resources <br />Committee seconded by Council Member Taylor. The mo-tion carried. <br />