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RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS June 3, 2013 6:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Tim Scott, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis <br />Other Council Present: Dr. David Varner, Gavin Ferlic (6:45) <br />Others Present: Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Pam Meyer, John Voorde, Chris Sopczynski (6:38) <br />Agenda: <br />Chairperson Tim Scott opened the meeting welcoming all attendees. Oliver Davis, whose district <br />includes Southmore Mutual Housing echoed, Tim's comments. Fifth district Councilman David Varner <br />spoke briefly to the chronic problems in and around the Miami Hills Apartments which prompted this <br />meeting. <br />Tim Scott then spoke of the chronic problem property bill that he and other put together in a <br />collaborative effort with the city administration. The bill will be voted on by the Council on June 10. Tim <br />cited the chronic problems of calls for service at the Courtyard Apartments, which the Council <br />responded to with some success. That experience has resulted in a prescription for relief found in the <br />nuisance property bill. <br />Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Council Attorney emphasized the positive aspects of the bill, education of the <br />landlords and tenants being most important. <br />Tim Scott opened the floor for comment giving each in turn a chance to speak. <br />Jerry Dubin focusing on the Miami Hills Apartments said, the Section 8 residents may be screened <br />initially, but follow -up compliance checks are nil. <br />Tim Scott said there are approximately 3,500 Section 8 properties in the city, but only 8 inspectors to do <br />the follow -up checking. <br />Pat McGawan, a Southmore resident said safety and security are threatened by gunfire, sirens and noisy <br />residents. <br />Dave Evans, 3955 Montgolfier Place, said things are getting worse with crime and shootings threatening <br />the quality of life. He said people there need to have hoped something is being done. <br />Stephanie Thornburg, a Southmore resident, also cited safety concerns for the old and young in <br />particular. <br />James Wolman, 633 Donmoyer, said children's safety and peace of mind are being compromised by the <br />commonplace violence and crime. He worried that people who complain about their neighbors conduct <br />would be targeted for retaliation. <br />Tim Scott said any threats of retaliation or intimidation would be turned over to the County Prosecutor. <br />