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PERSONNEL & FINANCE <br />JUNE 17, 2013 5:00 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Dr. David Varner, Karen White, Valerie Schey, Henry Davis Jr. (5:30) <br />Other Council Present: Dr. Fred Ferlic, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: John Murphy, Rahman Johnson, Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Mark Neal, Scott Ford, <br />Kathryn Roos, Pete Buttigieg <br />Agenda: City Wide Goals -2014 Budget <br />Personnel and Finance Chair Dr. David Varner opened his committees hearing with general remarks <br />about the Council's budget review process. He pledged an open transparent review process beginning <br />with today's opportunity for both the administration and individual council members to declare their <br />priorities. <br />Dr. Varner then introduced Mark Neal City Controller, who provided council with four handouts <br />(attached). The first also projected on an overhead begin by Mark briefly stating the city's first priority <br />which was to develop a responsible budget in line with projected revenues, to provide a high level of <br />city services as efficiently and efficiently as possible. The goal, he stated was to ensure a strong and <br />open city for all its citizens. The cautionary note in this and future budget meetings was that the 2014 <br />revenue projections have been estimated to be flat -line vis -a -vis 2013 numbers, an opportunity to <br />streamline and innovate. Mark displayed and explained a table showing revenues of all types beginning <br />in 2010. Summing up he listed the 11 priorities the city hoped to address in the budget. <br />Dr. Varner then turned to council members asking them to review, measure and revise where necessary <br />their 2013 priorities and 2014 changes. Each council member, in turn, recounted their 2013 priorities, <br />assessed performance measures and ranked them for 2014. Henry Davis remarks emphasized economic <br />development efforts to create jobs as well as Park & Recreation needs to add to the quality of life. <br />Valarie Schey hoped the budget would reflect a real commitment to move ahead with the vacant and <br />abandoned property demolition /rehab program. She also wants additional economic development <br />dollars be directed to neighborhood strips like River Park in her district. <br />Dr. Ferlic wants to focus on the vacant and abandoned task force recommendations as well as <br />developing more public /private partnerships. <br />Dr. Varner hoped to focus on more creative and productive ways to use TIF funds. <br />Oliver Davis focused primarily on two budget issues, the dollar commitment of the city to a significant <br />curb and sidewalk program and the issue of the use of abatement penalties from TJ Maxx /AJ Wright <br />closing. <br />