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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 24 1981 <br />2. The Common Council of the CIty of South Bend, Indiana, hereby finds, deter- <br />mines, ratifies and confirms that the issuance and sale of Economic Development Reve- <br />nue Bonds in an amount of Two Hundred fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) under the <br />Act for the construction and installation of the economic development facilities <br />constituting the Schafer Gear Works, Inc. Project will serve the public purpose in <br />accordance with the Act. <br />3. In order to induce the Applicant and the Commission to proceed with the <br />construction and installation of such economic development facilities, the Common <br />Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, hereby finds, determines, ratifies and <br />confirms that: <br />(i) it will take or cause to be taken such actions pursuant to the Act as may be <br />required to implement the aforesaid financing or which may be deemed appropriate <br />with respect thereto, in order that Economic Development Revenue Bonds may be <br />issued in accordance with the terms mutually acceptable to the Issuer and the <br />Application; <br />(ii) it will adopt such ordinances and resolutions and authorize the execution <br />and delivery of such instruments (including but not limited to an Indenture of <br />Trust, Loan Agreement, bonds, and related instruments) and the taking of such <br />action as may be necessary or advisable for the construction, issuance and sale <br />of such Economic Development Revenue Bonds. <br />4. All costs of the Schafer Gear Works, Inc. Project incurred after the passage <br />of this Inducement Resolution, including reimbursement or prepayment to the Applicant <br />of monies heretofore expended with respect to attorney and bond counsel fees as well <br />as all expenses of the sale of Economic Development Revenue Bonds and the construc- <br />tion and installation of all property constituting a part of such economic develop- <br />ment facilities, shall be payable out of the proceeds of any such financing either to <br />the Applicant or to others for such purposes. <br />5. The liability and obligation of the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall be <br />limited solely to the good faith efforts to consummate such Schafer Gear Works, Inc. <br />Project and the issuance of such bonds, and that neither the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, nor its officers or agents shall incur any personal liability by virtue of <br />the issuance of any such Economic Develpment Revenue Bonds or the undertaking of such <br />Schafer Gear Works, Inc. Project. <br />This inducement resoluton shall be in full force and effect from and after its adop- <br />tion by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s /Lewis A. McGann <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Kenneth Fedder, attorney <br />for the Economic Development Commission, indicated this proposed $250,000 bond issued <br />would be used for expansion of their present facilities. He indicated that 31 new <br />jobs will be created. Council Member Serge made a motion to adopt this resolution, <br />seconded by Council Member Dombrowski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call <br />vote of eight ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 907 -81 <br />A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY BY THE <br />TOWN OF ROSELAND. <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Roseland has acquired from the Indiana Toll Road Commission <br />for use as a park a tract of land comprising approximately 9.5 acres lying south of <br />the Town of Roseland and within the area of the interchange of the Toll Road and old <br />U.S. 31 North, and which territory is presently outside the boundaries of the town <br />and is within three (3) miles of the boundaries of the City of South Bend, which <br />territory is more particularly described as follows,to wit: <br />Part of the West Half (1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Twenty - <br />five (25), and a part of the East Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) <br />of Section Twenty -six (26), Township Thirty -eight (38) North, Range Two (2) <br />East, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the west line of Section <br />twenty -five (25) at a point twenty -nine and nine hundred seventy -five thou- <br />sandths (29.975) chains northerly measured on said west line, from the southwest <br />corner of said section twenty -five (25); thence Easterly on the north line of <br />the grantor's property ten and ten hundredths (10.10) chains to the west line of <br />the right -of -way of the Michigan Central Railroad; thence Southerly on the west <br />line of said railroad right -of -way about one thousand fifty (1050) feet to the <br />northeasterly right -of -way line of the interchange connector for the Indiana <br />East -West Toll Road; thence North forty -one (41) degrees fifty -five (55) minutes <br />twenty -nine (29) seconds West one hundred sevety -nine (179) feet; thence North <br />thirty -six (36) degrees fifteen (15) minutes twenty -three (23) seconds West two <br />hundred and twenty -five hundredths (200.25) feet; thence North forty -one (41) <br />degrees forty -eight (48) minutes fifty -four (54) seconds West two hundred four <br />and eighty -five hundredths (204.85) feet; thence North thirty -three (33) degrees <br />twenty -three (23) minutes thirty -eight (39) seconds West three hundred fifty and <br />no hundredths (350.00) feet; thence North thirty -one (31) degrees thirty -nine <br />(39) minutes twenty -four (24) seconds West one hundred forty -three and sixty - <br />seven hundredths (143.67) feet; thence North twenty (20) degrees thirty -four <br />(34) minutes twenty -four (24) seconds West about one hundred eighty -two (1982) <br />feet of a point which is West of the point of beginning; thence East about thirty- <br />siven (37) feet to the point of beginning, containing nine and five tenths (9.5) <br />acres, more less. <br />