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recommend this bill to the Council favorably, seconded by Council Member <br />Zakrzewski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 134 -86 A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE AND <br />ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF RATES, CHARGES AND SURCHARGES FOR <br />SERVICES RENDERED BY THE SOUTH BEND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Voorde made a <br />motion to accept the substitute bill on file with the City Clerk, seconded by <br />Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried. Council Member Beck made a motion <br />to amend the substitute bill in Section I to read: "Heavy Demand Substances are <br />concentrations of phosphorus or suspended solids or biochemical oxygen demand in <br />sewage, which exceeds the levels established in Section 17 -47.3 (a) of this <br />chapter. ", seconded by Council Member Voorde. John Leszczynski, Director of Public <br />Works, made the presentation for the bill. He indicated the Administration was <br />asking for the first rate increase for wasterwater in seven years. He indicated <br />that operating with no increase in revenue for the past seven years has not been <br />easy. He indicated they have continued to improve the plant's operation. He <br />indicated the heavy demand substance charge is directed to those dischargers of <br />large quantities, and industry can control their costs through strict monitoring of <br />discharge quality and quantity. He indicated the bill proposes a 9% increase to the <br />basic rate, which compared to other communities is very reasonable. Rebecca Fisher, <br />attorney, representing T. Brooks Brademas indicated the new averaging formula <br />discriminated against apartment dwellers. She indicated that apartments should be <br />charged on the basis of water usage. Council Member Beck made a motion to continue <br />this bill in the public hearing portion until December 15, at 5:00 p.m., seconded by <br />Council Member Voorde. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 135 -86 <br />A BILL APPROPRIATING $75,760.00 FROM THE LOCAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT <br />AND EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY FUND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Linda McDougal, Acting <br />Director of Human Rights, made the presentation for the bill. She indicated the <br />Commission has contracts with the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and <br />the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She indicated the Commission <br />is reimbursed'by EEOC and HUD for processing employment and housing discrimination <br />charges. She indicated this bill is to appropriate the funds the Commission will <br />receive. Council Member Taylor made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council <br />favorably, seconded by Council Member Barcome. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 136 -86 A BILL APPROPRIATING $164,415.00 FROM THE CENTURY CENTER <br />OPERATING FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING UNANTICIPATED COSTS <br />IN 1986. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Brian Hedman, Director of <br />Century Center, made the presentation for the bill. He indicated this appropriation <br />was necessary to cover 1986 operating expenses. Council Member Beck made a motion <br />to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Taylor. <br />The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 137 -86 <br />A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER FOUR OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br />REGULATING THE LICENSING OF BUSINESSES WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Carol Sanders, Deputy <br />Controller, made the presentation for the bill. She indicated this bill amends the <br />code in several different areas. She indicated license fees are being increased by <br />50, with some fees being somewhat higher so that all more currently reflect the cost <br />of enforcement of each particular licensing category. She indicated that specific <br />sections referring to Open Air Stand Licensing and Restaurant Licensing are being <br />amended to clarify where certain types of businesses should be categorized. She <br />indicated all license fees have been updated, with the exception of those pertaining <br />to Charitable Solicitation permits. Council Member Beck made a motion to recommend <br />this bill to the Council favorably, seconded by Council Member Barcome. The motion <br />carried. <br />There being no further business to <br />Member Voorde made a motion to rise <br />by Council Member Beck. The motion <br />p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED <br />come before the Committee of the Whole, Council <br />and report to the Council, and recess, seconded <br />carried and the meeting was recessed at 9:05 <br />Ammwcm. <br />n <br />n <br />1 <br />1 <br />