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REGULAR MEETING SEP.TEMB-PR <br />WHEREAS, at the present time there are insufficient employment opportunities and <br />insufficient diversification of business, commerce and industry in and near the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana (the "City "); and <br />WHEREAS, the economic welfare of the City would be benefited by the acquisition <br />and construction of economic development facilities in the corporate limits of the <br />City pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36 -7 -12 (the "Act "); and <br />WHEREAS, South Bend Orthopedic Associates, Inc., an Indiana Corporation and /or <br />Tripods Partnership, an Indiana partnership (hereinafter collectively referred to as <br />"Applicant "), are constructing economic development facilities in South Bend, <br />Indiana as defined in the Act, and the City has financed costs of such economic <br />development facilities pursuant to he Act through economic development revenue bonds <br />issued in 1985; and <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Economic Development Commission has received an <br />application by the Applicant for the issuance of City of South Bend Economic <br />Development Revenue Bonds in the approximate principal amount of Seven Hundred <br />Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($700,000.00) with the terms of repayment to be <br />determined by existing market rates at the time such bonds are sold, and the <br />proceeds of the bonds will be used to finance cost overruns related to the Project, <br />which project consists of acquisition of real estate, construction of improvements <br />to real estate and acquisition of equipment to be used as a medical facility located <br />on the South side of LaSalle Street immediately east of the St. Joseph River in <br />South Bend, Indiana, resulting in a minimum of three (3) full -time jobs at the <br />facility following completion of the project with an annual payroll of approximately <br />$60,000.00. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of South Bend resolves as <br />follows: <br />1. The project constitutes economic development facilities which shall be <br />financed by the City through the issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to the Act and <br />the City is willing, upon compliance with all provisions of Indiana law, to <br />authorize approximately Seven Hundred Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($700,000.00) of <br />its revenue bonds, which Bonds will not be general obligations of the City but will <br />be payable solely from the limited sources authorized and permitted by the Act. <br />2. The proposed financing will be of benefit to the economic welfare of the <br />City, will comply with the purposes and provisions of the Act. <br />3. The Applicant may proceed with acquisition and construction of the economic <br />development facilities in reliance upon this resolution. <br />4. That the liability and obligation of the South Bend Economic Development <br />Commission, the South Bend Common Council and the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall <br />be limited solely to the good faith efforts to consummate such proceedings and issue <br />such Bonds, and the South Bend Economic Development Commission and the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, their officers and agents, shall not incur any liability if for any <br />reason the proposed issuance of such bonds is not consummated. <br />This inducement resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Beverlie J. Beck <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Mark Krcmaric, attorney, <br />indicated this bond issue would be used to finance construction and equipping of the <br />new medical office facility on the east bank of the St. Joseph River. He indicated <br />the building will be owned by Tripods and leased to South Bend Orthopedic. He <br />indicated three new jobs will be created. Council Member Taylor made a motion to <br />adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Paszek. The resolution was <br />adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to combine public hearing on the next two <br />resolutions, seconded by Council Member Paszek. The motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1439 -86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT AN <br />APPLICATION TO THE INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FOR <br />THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND. <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend is dedicated to pursuing economic development <br />through promoting growth of businesses which stimulate the local economy and thereby <br />benefit the people of South Bend as a whole; and <br />WHEREAS, the Mastic Corporation expansion project will benefit the local <br />economy, specifically by creating new manufacturing jobs and new construction jobs, <br />by generating new taxes on real and personal property by utilizing vacant land, and <br />by contributing to the construction of a new building and infrastructure development <br />in the South Bend community; and <br />