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REGULAR MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 25, 1985 <br />WHEREAS, Indiana Code 36 -1 -8 -4 authorizes the Common Council of the Civil City <br />of South Bend, by Resolution adopted by such Council, to advance and transfer to a <br />depleted fund from any other such fund, such amount and for such a period of time as <br />may be prescribed in the Resolution. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA; <br />SECTION I. That the City Controller of the City of South Bend is authorized to <br />transfer an aggregate amount not to exceed $5,185,000.00 to various funds from <br />various funds as listed below. The aggregate amount of $5,185,000.00 to be <br />distributed so as not to exceed at any one time the maximum amounts as set forth <br />below. Any such transfers made must be repaid by December 31, 1985. <br />FROM; MAXIMUM <br />Cumulative Sewer Building <br />& Sinking Fund 1,000,000 <br />TO; MAXIMUM <br />Corporation General 4,000,000 <br />Sewage Works Sinking Fund 850,000 Park Maintenance Fund 685,000 <br />Sewage Works Depreciation <br />Fund 360,000 Police Pension Fund 100,000 <br />Sewage Works Operating <br />Fund 1,200,000 <br />Sewage Works Insurance <br />Fund 100,000 <br />Water Works Depreciation <br />Fund 250,000 Fire Pension 200,000 <br />Cumulative Capital Improve- <br />ment Fund 100,000 <br />Sewer Repair Fund 125,000 Century Center Board <br />of Managers Operating <br />Fund 200,000 <br />Liability Insurance <br />Premium 1,200,000 <br />$5,185,000 $5,185,000 <br />SECTION II. Such transfer shall be made for a period of time not to extend <br />beyond December 31, 1985 and such funds so transferred shall be returned and repaid <br />to the original funds from which they were transferred. <br />SECTION III. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Beverlie J. Beck <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Michael Vance, <br />Controller, indicated this resolution authorizes temporary transfer of idle funds <br />between designated funds within the City of South Bend. He indicated this allows <br />the City to internally fund its deficits and therefore not have to issue tax <br />anticipation notes or borrow funds within the community. Council Member Serge made <br />a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The <br />resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1265 -85 <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONTROLLER TO INVEST AND <br />REINVEST CERTAIN IDLE FUNDS DURING THE YEAR 1985 IN <br />ACCORDANCE WITH IC 5- 13 -1 -1, ET SEQ., AND ALSO <br />AUTHORIZING THE CONTROLLER TO CONDUCT THE CITY'S <br />BUSINESS WITH FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS THROUGH THE USE OF <br />ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS. <br />WHEREAS, there are certain idle funds of the Civil City of South Bend which may <br />be invested for periods of time without affecting the operating of the various <br />departments of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, IC 5- 13 -1 -1, et seq., enables the controller, or his designee, to <br />invest such idle funds with the approval of the Common Council. <br />WHEREAS, IC 5- 13 -1 -1, et seq., authorizes the transaction of City business with <br />financial institutions through the use of electronic funds transfer upon proper <br />resolution by the Common Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council finds that the use of electronic funds transfers for the <br />transactions of certain City business with financial institutions is in the best <br />interest of the citizens of the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />