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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 28, 1985 <br />rS <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Voorde made a motion to set this bill <br />for second reading and public hearing February 11„ seconded by Council Member <br />Zakrzewski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 6 -85 A BILL AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, AS AMENDED, <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA (CHAPTER 21, MUNICIPAL CODE) (1117 <br />AND 1121 E. CORBY.) <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to refer this bill <br />to Area Plan, seconded by Council Member Puzzello. The motion carried. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Reports from Area Plan <br />Bill No. 143 -84 - South side of Ireland between Fellows and High <br />Bill No. 145 -84 - Rezone southeast corner of Portage and the Toll <br />Road <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to set these bills for public hearing and second <br />reading February 11, seconded by Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Council Member Crone made a motion that the Council Attorney draw up a resolution <br />encompassing the language that was deleted in the Fair Campaign ordinance, seconded <br />by Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried on a roll call vote of seven ayes <br />and two nays (Council Members Puzzello and Beck.) <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />John Swanson, 2722 S. Olive, spoke to the Council on minority hiring practices. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, unfinished or new, <br />Council Member Serge made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Crone. <br />The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 11.07 p.m. <br />ATTEST: APPROVED: <br />7 <br />Ci y Clerk President <br />