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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 28, 1985 <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Crone made a motion to defeat this <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried failed on a roll <br />call vote of four ayes and five nays (Council Members Serge, Braboy, Puzzello, <br />Paszek and Beck.) The Council Attorney called a point of order, that no vote had <br />been taken to pass this bill. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to pass the <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Braboy. The bill passed by a roll call vote of <br />five ayes and four nays (Council Members Taylor, Zakrzewski, Crone and Voorde.) <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7426 -85 <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING $8,600.00 AMONG ACCOUNTS <br />WITHIN THE DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The bill passed by a roll call <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7427 -85 <br />to pass this bill, <br />vote of nine <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $20,000.00 FROM THE MORRIS <br />CIVIC AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR DETAILED <br />ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR REMODELING PORTIONS OF THE <br />PALAIS ROYALE TO UPGRADE SERVICES AT THE MORRIS CIVIC <br />AUDITORIUM. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7428 -85 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 6, OF THE <br />SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED TAX ABATEMENT <br />PROCEDURES. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to pass this <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Braboy. The bill passed by a roll call vote of <br />nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1253 -85 <br />A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br />RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3107 NORTH KENMORE TO BE <br />AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF REAL <br />PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend has adopted a Declaratory <br />Resolution designating certain areas within the City as Economic Revitalization <br />Areas for purpose of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area commonly known as 3107 <br />North Kenmore and more particularly described by a line drawn as follows: <br />A part of the NE 1/4 of Section 28, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, City of. <br />South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast corner of the NE 1/4 of said section; thence South <br />89058156" West along the south line of said quarter section a distance of <br />1150.09 feet; thence north 0000123" East along the centerline of Kenmore <br />Street a distance of 1011.00 feet; thence North 89059137" West a distance of <br />40.00 feet to the west boundary of said Kenmore Street and the point of <br />beginning;.thence South 45000123" West a distance of 14.14 feet to the North <br />boundary of Gagnon Street; thence North 89059137" West a distance of 320.00 <br />feet along said north boundary; thence North 0000117" East a distance of <br />326.61 feet to said west boundary of Kenmore Street; thence Southerly along said <br />west boundary a distance of 112.63 feet along an arc to the right having a <br />radius of 1869.86 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South <br />1043'11" East a distance of 112.61 feet; thence South 0000123" West a <br />distance of 241.03 feet along said west boundary to the point of beginning and <br />containing 1.748 acres, more or less. <br />as an Economic Revitalization Area; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution and the public <br />hearing before the Council has been published pursuant to Indiana Code <br />6- 1.1- 12.1 -2 -5; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing for the purposes of hearing all <br />remonstrances and objections from interested persons; and <br />WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the qualifications for an economic <br />revitalization area have been met. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br />