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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />and especially for the police department is to move toward a reality in which it reflects <br />the richness and the diversity of South Bend. It’s an important part of how we can build <br />trust between police officers and relationships between police officers and the community <br />that they serve. He stated that they have been working in the police department and have <br />been working some time largely to move towards this goal through intensified recruiting <br />efforts to try to make sure that more people are attracted to apply to the department who <br />represent any of the minorities. He stated that he would certainly welcome any <br />suggestions from the Council, should any members have thoughts to better move us <br />closer to that goal. He stated that he thinks a goal that we absolutely all share. He stated <br />that he thinks that our community is many ways is being tested by this challenge of youth <br />violence and it is going to test our ability to come together and hammer out an approach <br />that may or may not involve government or other citizens groups in varying degrees. <br />There are a lot of lines along which we are used to dividing, that may come between us in <br />achieving this goal, but has great confidence in South Bend and great confidence in South <br />Bend leaders, including the elected leaders of this Council to make sure that we do in fact <br />make tangible progress toward a safer, happier, healthier city. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis stated again its insensitive, young black males being <br />murdered, senselessly, are not a test, it’s an indictment. It’s not a test, they don’t get their <br />lives back, their families are not glowing because of it, the community suffers from it, so <br />it’s not a test, it’s a mandate, an indictment against what we probably haven’t done, and <br />it’s not a test. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated that we voted in our budgets last year to have monies <br />for the bridge that is by the Kroc Center. A lot of people are saying that the Kroc Center <br />is up and going and flowing, but the bridge is not. He stated that we need to have an <br />update on when is that going to be done as soon as possible. He stated that when he was <br />at the Rum Village Neighborhood Association, they were concerned with the Fire Station <br />that was being built on Prairie Avenue. He stated that everybody was excited about the <br />new fire station being built and now it was said that they are not going to get a new fire <br />station and that they are just going to fix the old one and move on. He stated that was <br />against what everyone had been told and planned for. So he would like an update on that <br />and also with the Ewing Avenue project over there the infrastructure it is very dangerous <br />when you look at coming off by the Subway and gas station over there. He stated the <br />members of the Rum Village Association gave him an earful and rightfully so, because <br />they were promised by the prior administration that these things were going to be done <br />and have yet to be started. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that he will investigate those three issues and provide an update at <br />the next available opportunity. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter stated that he has a lot of questions and comments but he is not <br />going to go into that because we don’t have enough time for that. He stated that in regard <br />to the Muessel and Weed & Seed thing, who was there today and what was talked about. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that there was a pizza party for third and fourth graders who <br />created coloring books to cap off the program. A number of members of the police <br />department were there led by Lt. Dick Powers who has been doing terrific work in <br />community policing as well as a number of other officers who have been participating. <br />Dr. Schmidt was also on hand. It was a great opportunity to recognize some of the <br />partnerships that have emerged in our community. <br /> <br />President Dieter stated that he is going to meet with the Mayor and other administrative <br />staff on some of things that Councilmember Henry Davis talked about, one in regard to <br />the rank structure there at the police department, certain things that they talked about at <br />the Town Hall Meeting, and the Weed & Seed stuff. President Dieter stated that he <br />appreciates the Mayor’s time and all the questions and the follow-up of questions that <br />will be addressed later. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis questioned when will the funding for the illegal dumping <br />need to come back to the Council for further appropriation. <br /> 8 <br /> <br />