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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Tim Scott asked how many salaries with the new cap have been reached <br />or maximized that cap? <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that he believes the answer is none. He stated that they tried to <br />change the approach that they used to have. He recalled that it often used to be a matter <br />of course that what ever maximum the Council established they would hire in at that <br />maximum. He stated that any of those salaries that were raised and he believes that on <br />every one of them, they have left some headroom hopefully to grow as incumbents in <br />those positions continue to demonstrate excellence. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schey asked that in reviewing the department reports that the <br />administration has prepared for the Council which was very helpful, one report that she <br />found very interesting and would love to hear the administrations thoughts was from the <br />Community & Economic Development Department. She stated that the Council and the <br />Mayor ran their campaigns on economic growth and development and the need for the <br />city to really move forward in that area. She stated that this is more of statement but <br />would like to hear thoughts from the Mayor. She stated that as a new Councilmember <br />she found it very encouraging that in the short time that she has served on the Council, <br />they have already including tonight’s meetings had eight (8) abatements come before the <br />Council for substantial investments and job growth. She stated that when she reviewed <br />the reports from Community & Economic Development Department for last year, she <br />stated that they are already ahead of what was filed for the entire year. She stated that <br />she thinks there were four (4) or five (5) abatements filed in 2011. So as a new <br />Councilmember, somebody who is hoping to encourage her constituents when they ask <br />her what they are doing in terms of economic growth and development, states that we are <br />already seeing promising signs of growth. She stated that they have had over $50 million <br />dollars worth of investments come before the Council for tax abatement. She stated that <br />she would love to hear the Mayor’s comments and if he is equally encouraged. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that yes that is a great point. He stated that they have noticed the <br />same trend and it is very encouraging to see just year to date this year, the level of <br />investment in dollars just north of $30 million dollars associated with the tax abatement <br />program already exceeds or pace to exceed what they got in the whole year last year. He <br />stated that it is certainly an indication in his view that there is something of a wind in <br />sails of the local economy. He stated that he thinks it is something great for <br />Councilmember’s to point to if anybody is asking for encouragement. He stated that it is <br />only half way into the year, it is early and they are not out of the woods by any means <br />when it comes to the local or regional economy, but certainly takes it as very positive <br />news. He stated that they will be tracking that number as an indication of continued <br />local growth, especially on the commercial/industrial side. <br /> <br />Councilmember White asked the Mayor to share with the Council, that he had made note <br />in his State of the City Address that he had been meeting with the school superintendent <br />and share with the Council a little bit about those discussions and any direction that he <br />sees the city and the school administration moving towards. <br /> <br />Mayor Buttigieg stated that he tries to keep open lines of communication with the school <br />corporation and do that among other things by making sure that he has a regular pulse of <br />meetings with Dr. Schmidt. Recently they came together not only in a meeting of the two <br />of them but one that also involved a number of local employers. He stated that the goal <br />there was really to pull together a number of the local businesses that say they are <br />struggling to fill open positions. He stated that even as they note that there is a great deal <br />of local unemployment. So they pulled together Dr. Schmidt along with Dr. Coley of Ivy <br />Tech and Gregg Volmer of Work One to try to figure out where any of those gaps are and <br />hopefully come out of that with some direction as those conversations continue. The <br />meetings have not resulted in any formal initiative that he would bring to Council at this <br />time. He stated that they are clearly under a level of budget pressure, as much as we are, <br />so there are questions about resources that they are facing and wrestling with in the <br />school corporation. He stated that he does think that over time one area of clear <br />collaboration that is going emerge is making sure that they are able to address challenges <br />among the youth of the area; it seems to him to be an obvious area for collaboration <br /> 5 <br /> <br />