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REGULAR-ME SEPTEMBER-L2, 1988 <br />SECTION VI. The Common Council hereby determines that the property owner is <br />qualified for and is granted property tax deduction for a period of five (5) years. <br />SECTION VII. The Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of the <br />adoption of this Declaratory Resolution for Personal Property Tax Abatement to be <br />published, said publication providing notice of the public hearing before the Common <br />Council on the proposed confirming of said declaration. <br />SECTION VIII. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ John Voorde <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolutions at this time. Council Member Luecke <br />made a motion to amend Resolution No. 1644 -88 in the title and Section 6, to three <br />years, seconded by Council Member Coleman. The motion carried. Malcolm Tuesley, <br />attorney, made the presentations for the resolutions. He indicated Discount Muffler <br />planned to construct a new building for light manufacturing, storage and office <br />space, in order to improve their shipping and receiving business, as well as <br />consolidate operations under one roof. He indicated three new jobs will be created, <br />as well as maintaining 14 existing jobs. Council Member Zakrzewski made a motion to <br />adopt Resolution No. 1644 -88, as amended, seconded by Council Member Coleman. The <br />resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes and one abstention (Council <br />Member Niezgodski.) Council Member Coleman made a motion to adopt Resolution No. <br />1645 -88, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The resolution was adopted by a roll <br />call vote of eight ayes and one abstention (Council Member Niezgodski.) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1646 -88 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br />RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA COMMONLY KNOWN AS 601 WEST <br />BROADWAY STREET TO BE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA <br />FOR PURPOSES OF A 5 YEAR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX <br />ABATEMENT FOR ALLIED PRODUCTS CORPORATION. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has adopted a <br />Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the City as Economic <br />Revitalization Areas for the purpose of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area commonly known as 601 West <br />Broadway and which is more particularly described as follows: <br />Two parcels of land being parts of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East, in the City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />All of Lots Numbered Thirty -six (36) and Thirty -seven (37) in Samuel Stull's Second <br />Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana; ALSO, that part of said quarter- section <br />more particularly described as commencing at the Southeast corner of Tract No. 4 of <br />the Studebaker Corp. Replat as recorded in Plat Book 11, page 184 in the Office of <br />the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana; thence North 0 °14100" West (bearing <br />assumed) along the East line of said Tract No. 4 a distance of 247.35 feet to the <br />point of beginning for this description; thence South 89 °22140" West along the <br />South line of Broadway Street projected westerly a distance of 618.58 feet to the <br />Southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Allied Products Corp. and <br />recorded in Deed Record 649, pages 497 -503 in said Office of the Recorder; thence <br />North 0 °0111911 East along the East line of said tract a distance of 1165.66 feet; <br />thence North 89 °55134" West along the North line of said tract a distance of <br />279.27 feet to a <br />Southeasterly corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Cummins Engine <br />Company, Inc., and recorded in Deed Record 650, pages 173 -183 in said office of the <br />Recorder; thence North 0 °04126" East along an East line of said tract a distance <br />of 145.04 feet to the Southwest corner of a parcel of land described in a deed to <br />Indiana and Michigan Electric Company recorded in Deed Record 652, pages 427 -433 in <br />said Office of the Recorder; thence South 89 °50126" East, along the South line of <br />said parcel, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence North 0 °04126" East, along the East <br />line of said parcel and an East line of a tract described in a deed to South Bend <br />Lathe, Inc. recorded in Deed Record 659, pages 637 -640, a distance of 120.28 feet; <br />thence South 89 °53136" East along a South line of said tract a distance of 647.32 <br />feet; thence South 12 °18150" East along a Westerly line of said tract a distance <br />of 162.12 feet to a point; thence North 89 °55121" East along a South line of said <br />tract a distance of 230.50 feet to the West line of Franklin Street; thence South <br />0 °21155" East along said West line of Franklin Street a distance of 374.67 feet to <br />the South line of South Bend City Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 4 in <br />said Office of the Recorder; thence South 0 °05120" East along the West line of <br />Franklin Street a distance of 17.35 feet; thence South 88 °58'45" West a distance <br />of 121.36 feet to the East line of said Tract No. 4; thence South 0 °14100" East <br />along said East line a distance of 870.90 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 1: <br />A part of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 14, Twp. 37 N., R. 2 E., more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />