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REGULAR MEETING <br />BILL NO. 65 -88 A BILL SETTING THE ANNUAL SALARY OF THE CITY CLERK FOR THE <br />CALENDAR YEAR 1989. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to set this bill <br />for third reading and public hearing August 29, and refer it to the Personnel and <br />Finance Committee, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 66 -88 A BILL SETTING THE ANNUAL SALARY OF THE COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE <br />CALENDAR YEAR 1989. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Coleman made a motion to set this bill <br />for third reading and public hearing August 29, and refer it to the Personnel and <br />Finance Committee, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 67 -88 A BILL TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE 1ST <br />EAST /WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF LINCOLN WAY WEST RUNNING EAST FROM RYER <br />ST., TO THE 1ST INTERSECTING NORTH /SOUTH ALLEY FOR A DISTANCE OF <br />120 FEET, ALL BEING IN ALWARDS ADDITION AND BRENTWOOD ESTATES 4TH <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, IN. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to set this <br />bill for second reading and public hearing August 29, and refer it to the Zoning and <br />Vacation Committee, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to set Bill nos. 69 and 34 -88 for third <br />reading and public hearing August 8, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion <br />carried. <br />Council Member Puzzello made a motion to set Bill No. 41 -88 for third reading and <br />public hearing October 10, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />Council Member Zakrzewski made a motion to strike Bill No. 67 -87, seconded by <br />Council Member Niezgodski. The motion carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Joseph Guentert, 3510 Corby, spoke regarding storm sewers. <br />Irene Mutzl, 320 Parkovash, spoke regarding the Scattered Housing Program. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, unfinished or new, <br />Council Member Coleman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council Member <br />Zakrzewski. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />APPROVED: <br />t � <br />