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445 <br />REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 23, 1992 <br />that can be reasonably expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment <br />or rehabilitation; and <br />F. That the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction, all of <br />which satisfy the requirements of S.C. 6 -1.1- 12.1 -3. <br />Section III. The Common Council hereby determines and finds that the proposed <br />described redevelopment or rehabilitation can be reasonably expected to yield <br />benefits identified in the Statement of Benefits set forth as sections I through II <br />of the Petition for Real Property Tax Abatement Consideration and that the Statement <br />of Benefits form prescribed by the State Board of Accounts are sufficient to justify <br />the deduction granted under Section 6 -1.1- 12.1 -3 of the Indiana Code. <br />Section IV. The Common Council hereby accepts the report and recommendation of <br />the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee that the area herein <br />described be designated an Economic Revitalization Area and hereby adopts a <br />resolution designating this area as an Economic Revitalization Area for purposed of <br />real property tax abatement. <br />Section V. The designation as an Economic Revitalization area shall be limited <br />to two (2) calendar years from the date of the adoption of this Resolution by the <br />Common Council. <br />Section VI. The Common Council hereby determines that the property owner is <br />qualified for and is granted property tax deduction for a period of six (6) years. <br />Section VII. The Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of the <br />adoption of this Declaratory Resolution for Real Property Tax Abatement to be <br />published, said publication providing notice of the public hearing before the Common <br />Council on the proposed confirming of said declaration. <br />Section VIII. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Stephen Luecke <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Kelly <br />reported that the Human Resources Committee had met on this bill and recommended it <br />to the Council favorable. Ernest Szarwark, attorney, made the presentation for the <br />bill. He indicated the petitioner was the owners of the property which was leased <br />to North American Signs. He indicated North American Signs does installation, <br />maintenance and sign repair. He indicated they were adding 20,000 square feet to <br />their present facility. Council Member Coleman made a motion to adopt this <br />resolution, seconded by Council Member Duda. The resolution was adopted by a roll <br />call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1989 -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1400 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, AN ECONOMIC <br />REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF A TEN YEAR REAL PROPERTY <br />TAX ABATEMENT FOR LOCK JOINT TUBE INC. <br />Whereas, a petition for real property tax abatement has been filed with the <br />City Clerk for consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, requesting that the area commonly known as 1400 Riverside Dr., South Bend, <br />Indiana, and which is more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 35; <br />thence South 89 49' 52" West (bearing assumed) along the South line of said <br />Section 308.97 feet; thence north 89 55' 00" west, 116.24 feet; thence North 00 <br />00' 27" West, 12.00 feet to the North line of a 12 foot alley; thence North 89 <br />55100" West along said north line of alley, 236.61 feet to a point 120.00 feet <br />south 89 55'00" east of the east line of Kessler Boulevard, 128.00 feet to a <br />point on the south line of King Street, 180.00 feet south 89 55' 18" east of the <br />northeast corner of Lot 10 as shown on the second plat of Northwest addition to <br />the City of South Bend recorded April 6, 1906 in Plat Book 0, pages 30 and 31; <br />thence south 89 55' 18" east along the south line of King Street, 352.84 feet; <br />thence north 00 00' 27" West, 194.85 feet to a point on the centerline of the <br />East and West 14 foot alley between King Street and McCartney Street proceed <br />East; thence North 99 06' 09" east, 128.81 feet; thence north 89 46' 49" east <br />287.05 feet to the Westerly line of Riverside Drive; thence south 16 37' 15" <br />west along a chord subtending said Westerly line of Riverside Drive,466.43 feet <br />to the South line of said Section 35; thence North 90 00' 00" west along said <br />south line, 156.71 feet to the point of the beginning. <br />Commencing at the southwest corner of the 1/4 of said section 35; thence North <br />00 00' 30" West (bearing assumed) along the east line of said southwest 1/4 a <br />distance of 463.14 feet to the Point of Beginning for the following described <br />tract; thence continuing north 00 00' 30" west along said East line 336.00 feet <br />to the South line of Queen Street; thence south 89 56' 09" West along said South <br />line of Queen Street 176.60 feet; thence North 00 02' 36" East 195.00 feet to <br />the centerline of the East and West 14 foot alley between Kinyon Street and <br />Queen Street; thence South 89 56' 09" West along said centerline of alley 131.27 <br />