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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 12, 1992 <br />3. Screening. There will be a perimeter tree buffer. The perimeter fence will be <br />installed so as to maintain a perimeter tree buffer on the property. Additional <br />screening, either through the use of trees and plantings or through the use of <br />opaque fence will be installed where the (tree buffer is sparse or non - existent; <br />or where the field abuts residential property and is required under the <br />screening provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. <br />4. Parking. The parking area will use gravel, selected to attempt to minimize <br />dust. Parking spaces will be delineated by railroad ties, or other appropriate <br />methods. <br />5. Announcement System. A speaker system may be used which will minimize noise in <br />the abutting residential areas, either by aiming away from those areas or by <br />using a bleacher speaker system. The sound system will be designed so as to <br />minimize intrusion into the residential area, and will remain open to <br />adjustments and be in conformity with all applicable noise regulations. <br />6. Diamonds. The petitioner will build three major <br />one T -Ball diamond as shown on the original site <br />The petitioner will not build the proposed "Farm <br />originally proposed for the Tarkington property. <br />in operation, the petitioner will not use the di <br />currently on Park Department land. <br />league baseball diamonds, and <br />plan, presented to the BZA. <br />League Baseball" diamond <br />Once the proposed facility is <br />imond at Rose and Rerick <br />7. Lights. Although there is no present plan for lights, when lights are installed <br />they shall be properly shielded from the residential area and conform to all <br />building and zoning regulations. <br />As long as there are no lights installed, no baseball inning will start after <br />8:00 p.m., consistent with Little League Rules. <br />If and when lights are installed, no baseball inning will start after 10:00 <br />p.m., consistent with Little League rules. <br />8. City Water & Sewer. The building on the property will have city water and city <br />sewer hooked up to the nearest appropriate connection. <br />9. Access Road. The petitioner proposes to extend Charles Street from its present <br />To-cation, to the edge of the leased property. The petitioner also agrees to <br />study the feasibility of other access, including from Edison Road or Keller, as <br />an alternative to Charles Street. This feasibility study will be made available <br />to the Engineering Department. Any new access road will be built consistent <br />with City requirements as to composition, curbs and drainage, as directed by the <br />City Engineering Department. <br />10. Completion. The petitioner shall not play baseball at this facility until the <br />perimeter is fenced, the proposed parking area is completed and an access street <br />is extended to the lot line. <br />Council Member Puzzello made a motion to accept the amendment, seconded by Council <br />Member Duda. The motion carried. Ray Shriner, 1716 Hass; Jim Coker, 1636 Sorin; <br />John Thompson, 1713 Farmington Square Rod., Kathy Paskit, 338 Tonti; spoke in favor <br />of this resolution. Edward Baer, 1733 Winston; Paul Borowski, 3217 Cabot; Bryan <br />Rogers, 1701 Sterling; Betty Campbell who lives at the corner of Charles and <br />Hickory; spoke against this resolution. Council Member Kelly made a motion to adopt <br />this resolution, seconded by Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried on a <br />roll call vote of seven ayes and two nays (Council Members Washington and Puzzello.) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1975 -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2930 FOUNDATION DRIVE AN ECONOMIC <br />REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX <br />ABATEMENT FOR EATON CORPORATION. <br />WHEREAS, a petition for personal property tax abatement consideration has been <br />filed with the Common Council of the City of South Bend, requesting that the area <br />commonly known as 2930 Foundation Dr. South Bend, Indiana, and which is more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />and this property has Key Number 25 1010 038101, be designated as an Economic <br />Revitalization Area under the provisions of Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq., and <br />South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76 et seq.; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development has concluded an investigation <br />and prepared a report with information sufficient for the Common Council to <br />determine that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area under Indiana <br />Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76 et seq., <br />and has further prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries and such other <br />information regarding the area in question as required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee of the Common <br />Council has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council that the area <br />qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />