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143 <br />REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 1991 <br />3. Each covered employee shall receive a regular bi- weekly paycheck from the City <br />in an amount equal to the difference between his or her current gross City wage and <br />his or her gross military wage. In no event shall the total of gross City and gross <br />military wages exceed in any calendar year the total gross wages that would have <br />been earned by the covered employee in his or her City position had he or she not <br />been called to active duty. Reconciliation of amounts owed to or by the City shall <br />occur in February, 1992, with adjustments made to the March, 1992, paychecks. <br />Similar reconciliation and adjustment shall occur annually thereafter, as necessary. <br />4. For purposes of computing the covered employee's gross City wages, each covered <br />employee shall receive that annual increase he or she would have received had he or <br />she not been called to active military duty. <br />5. Vacation and sick days shall not accrue during such time a covered employee is <br />on active military duty. <br />6. Time on the job and seniority will accrue during such time the covered employee <br />is on active military duty. <br />7. Propay benefits will not accrue during such time a covered employee is on active <br />military duty. <br />SECTION III - HEALTH INSURANCE <br />1. Pursuant to terms of the Basic Disability and Comprehensive Medical Plan ( "the <br />Plan ") governing the terms and conditions of employee health care coverage provided <br />to the City by Benefit Trust Life, City - provided health insurance benefits for each <br />covered employee shall terminate as of the date he or she is activated to military <br />duty, as medical coverage is provided the covered employee by the United States <br />Government. <br />2. Pursuant to a modification to the Plan, dependents of covered employees with <br />City - provided dependent health care coverage at the time the covered employee <br />reports to active duty, shall remain covered under the Plan pursuant to Plan <br />administration policies while the covered employee is activated to military duty. <br />3. Pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) <br />as amended, each covered employee and his or her "qualified beneficiaries ", as <br />defined by COBRA, with City - provided health care coverage at the time he or she <br />reports to active duty, may elect to continue such dependent health care coverage <br />upon termination of such coverage, as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2, of this <br />Section. In the case of those covered employees and /or their qualified <br />beneficiaries who elect to continue such dependent health care coverage, the City <br />shall continue to pay the employer portion of the premium, and the covered employees <br />and /or their qualified beneficiaries will bear only their portion of the premium. <br />The City will work with those electing continued health care coverage to facilitate <br />expeditious, convenient payment of the portion of the premium, including arranging <br />for the deduction of that portion of the premium from any paycheck the covered <br />employee may be entitled to receive under Section III hereof. The City shall not <br />charge an administrative fee to the covered employee or his or her dependents for <br />any activities or services undertaken by the City pursuant to this Section. The <br />availability of continuing dependent health insurance coverage, as provided in this <br />Section, is subject to COBRA and all rules, and regulations promulgated thereunder, <br />and interpretations thereof. <br />SECTION IV - PERF <br />1. It is the City's understanding that, pursuant to I.C. 5- 10.3 -7 and I.C. <br />36- 8 -5 -7, as applicable, each covered employee shall continue to accrue PERF service <br />credits during his or her period of active duty. Final decision on this matter <br />rests with the respective PERF Board of Trustees. However, the City urges such an <br />interpretation of the respective PERF statues. <br />2. It is the City's understanding that, pursuant to I.C. 5- 10.3 -7, each covered <br />employee shall accrue such service credits throughout his term of active duty until <br />one hundred twenty (120) days after the termination of active military duty with <br />respect to covered employees who are regular City employees, and within sixty (60) <br />days, with respect to sworn members of the Police and Fire Departments. The final <br />decision on the matter rests with the respective PERF Board of Trustees. However, <br />the City urges such an understanding of the PERF Statute. <br />3. To the extent allowed by the respective PERF Board of Trustees, the City shall, <br />during each covered employee's term of active military duty, continue to pay its <br />share of PERF for each covered employee based upon the covered employees <br />"compensation ", as provided for in I.C. 5- 10.2 -3 or other relevant statute. To the <br />extent allowed by law and by the respective PERF Board of Trustees, the covered <br />employee may elect to continue or not his PERF contribution. The City shall <br />cooperate with each covered employee to assist in the expeditious, convenient <br />payment of any allowable employee PERF contributions by deducting the same from any <br />paycheck over the covered employee under Section II, hereof, if so desired by the <br />covered employee. <br />SECTION V <br />