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a] <br />Abatement Consideration and that the Statement of Benefits form prescribed by the <br />State Board of Accounts are sufficient to justify the deduction granted under <br />Section 6 -1.1- 12.1 -3 of the Indiana Code. <br />SECTION IV. The Common Council hereby accepts the report and recommendation of the <br />Human Resources and Economic Development Committee that the area herein described <br />be designated an Economic Revitalization Area and hereby adopts a resolution <br />designating this area as an Economic Revitalization Area for purposes of real <br />property tax abatement. <br />SECTION V. The designation as an Economic Revitalization Area shall be limited to <br />two (2) calendar years from the date of the adoption of this Resolution by the <br />Common Council. <br />SECTION VI. The Common Council hereby determines that the property owner is <br />qualified for and is granted property tax deduction for a period of three (3) <br />years. <br />SECTION VII. The Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of the <br />adoption of this Declaratory Resolution for Real Property Tax Abatement to be <br />published, said publication providing notice to the public hearing before the <br />Common Council on the proposed confirming of said declaration. <br />SECTION VIII. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Luecke <br />made a motion to amend this bill, by correcting the number of years from six (6) to <br />three (3) in the Title and in Section VI, seconded by Council Member Niezgodski. <br />The motion carried. Council Member Luecke stated that the Human Resources and <br />Economic Development Committee met on this bill and recommends it to Council <br />favorable as amended. William Panzica, 422 E. Monroe St., South Bend, IN made the <br />presentation on the bill. He stated that the petition proposes to construct a <br />6,400 square foot building to be used for a warehouse distribution center for <br />Smithkline Beecham Animal Health Products. He indicated that the project will <br />create six (6) new permanent full time jobs within the first year with an annual <br />payroll of $108,000 and will maintain nine (9) existing permanent full time jobs <br />with an annual payroll of $162,000. He stated that the total project cost is <br />expected to be $300,000. Council Member Luecke stated that upon granting the <br />confirming tax abatement a letter from the petitioner is necessary stating that the <br />petitioner agrees to work with Employment Training Services. Council Member Luecke <br />made a motion to adopt this resolution as amended, seconded by Council Member <br />Puzzello. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of eight ayes. <br />BILL NO. 90 -47 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 419 SOUTH MAIN, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA AN <br />ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF A THREE (3) YEAR <br />REAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR THE SOCIAL SECURITY <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />Council Member Luecke made a motion to continue this bill to the October 8, 1990 <br />meeting of the Council, seconded by Council Member Voorde. The motion carried. <br />BILLS, FIRST READING <br />BILL NO. 79 -90 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />APPROVING A LEASE FOR CERTAIN LAND AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS <br />BETWEEN THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE SOUTH <br />BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to set this <br />bill for third reading and public hearing October 8, 1990, seconded by Council <br />Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 80 -90 A BILL ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND CERTAIN TERRITORY <br />CONTIGUOUS THERETO. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Niezgodski made a motion to set this <br />bill for third reading and public hearing October 8, 1990, seconded by Council <br />Member Coleman. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 81 -90 A BILL ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND CERTAIN TERRITORY <br />CONTIGUOUS THERETO. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to set this <br />bill for third reading and public hearing October 8, 1990, seconded by Council <br />Member Voorde. The motion carried. <br />