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8( <br />to <br />BILLS, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8125 -90 AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED <br />PROPERTY: THE 1ST EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF WESTERN <br />AVENUE, RUNNING WEST FROM MAIN STREET, FOR A DISTANCE <br />OF APPROXIMATELY 165 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE 1ST <br />NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF MAIN STREET, ALL IN <br />MARTIN'S ADDITION <br />This bill had third reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to amend this <br />bill, as amended in the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Council Member Voorde. <br />The motion carried. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Coleman. The bill passed by a roll call vote of eight <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8126 -90 AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED <br />PROPERTY: THE FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF <br />JEFFERSON STREET, FROM THE WEST LINE OF FRANCES <br />STREET RUNNING WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY <br />165 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE FIRST INTERSECTING <br />NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF FRANCES STREET ALL IN <br />BARMAN'S SUBDIVISION OF SOUTH BEND, ST. JOSEPH <br />COUNTY, INDIANA. <br />This bill had third reading. Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to amend this <br />bill, as amended in the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Council Member <br />Niezgodski. The motion carried. Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to pass <br />this bill, seconded by Council Member Coleman. The bill passed by a roll call vote <br />of eight ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8127 -90 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $20,812 TO VARIOUS ACCOUNT <br />WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. <br />This bill had third reading. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to pass this <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Slavinskas. The bill passed by a roll call vote <br />of eight ayes. <br />NO. 8128 -90 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL <br />APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND. <br />This bill had third reading. Council Member Coleman made a motion to pass this <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Niezgodski. The bill passed by a roll call vote <br />of eight ayes. <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1806 -90 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA AND <br />THE TOWN OF NEW CARLISLE, INDIANA CONCERNING <br />WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT ACTIVITIES. <br />WHEREAS, on June 15, 1989, the City of South Bend, Indiana, and the Town of New <br />Carlisle, Indiana executed a Wastewater Services Agreement under which South Bend <br />agrees to accept wastewater from New Carlisle and to process and dispose of the <br />same; and <br />WHEREAS, on January 23, 1990, New Carlisle enacted a sewer use ordinance (Ordinance <br />No. 756) and an industrial pretreatment ordinance substantially similar to South <br />Bend's sewer use and industrial pretreatment ordinance; and <br />_ WHEREAS, South Bend has developed the specialized skill and knowledge necessary to <br />carry out the pretreatment activities including the inspection, surveillance, <br />monitoring and testing procedures contemplated by and required under South Bend's <br />sewer use ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, New Carlisle does not possess the requisite skill and knowledge to carry <br />out, effectively, pretreatment activities of the type contemplated by its sewer <br />use and industrial pretreatment ordinances, activities substantially similar to <br />those pretreatment activities carried out by and within South Bend; and <br />WHEREAS, New Carlisle is desirous of availing itself of South Bend's skill and <br />knowledge with respect to the implementation and operation of such pretreatment <br />activities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION I. The WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT by and between <br />