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576 <br />REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 26. 1994 _ <br />along said South line, a distance of 139.48 feet to the place or <br />PARCEL II. A parcel of land being a part of the North half of Section 14, <br />Township 37 North, Range 2 East, City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows; <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the Westerly right -of -way line of <br />Prairie Avenue with the South right -of -way line of Garst in said City, said <br />intersection being the most Northeasterly corner of a parcel of land Quit- <br />claimed to Metal Resources Corporation by Penn Central Corporation in Document <br />Numbered 8103153 in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana; <br />thence South 28 degrees 06' 58" West, along said Westerly right -of -way line of <br />Prairie Avenue, a distance of 50.99 feet to a South line of said Metal Resources <br />parcel and the place of beginning for this description; thence South 28 degrees <br />16' 39" West along said Westerly right -of -way line of Prairie Avenue, a distance <br />of 945.84 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 as the same is shown and <br />designated on the plat of Metal Resources Minor Subdivision recorded in said <br />Recorder's Office as Document Number 8511495; thence North 61 degrees 44' 13" <br />West along a Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 370.14 feet; thence <br />North 28 degrees 17' 26" East, a distance of 748 -79 feet to a South line of said <br />Metal Resources parcel; thence South 89 degrees 46' 31" East, along said South <br />line, a distance if 419.21 feet to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM <br />THE FOLLOWING: A parcel of land being a part of the North Half of Section 14, <br />Township 37 North, Range 2 East, City of South Bend, Portage Township, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the Westerly right -of -way line of <br />Prairie Avenue with the South right -of -way line of Garst Street in said City, <br />said intersection point being the most Northeasterly corner of a parcel of land <br />Quit - claimed to Metal Resources Corporation by Penn Central Corporation in <br />Document No. 8103153 in the office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, thence South 28 degrees 06' 58" West, along said Westerly right -of -way <br />line of Prairie Avenue, a distance of 50.99 feet to a South line of said Metal <br />Resources parcel; thence South 28 degrees 16' 39" West along said westerly <br />right -of -way line, a distance of 700.77 feet to the place of beginning for this <br />description; thence continuing South 28 degrees 16' 39" West along said Westerly <br />right -of -way line, a distance of 220.07 feet to the Northeast corner of a 25.00 <br />foot (by rectilinear measurement) water easement lying North of and adjacent to <br />Lot 1 of Metal Resources Minor Subdivision as the same is shown on the plat <br />thereof, recorded in said Recorder's Office as Instrument No. 8511495, thence <br />North 61 degrees 44' 13" West along the North line of said water easement and <br />parallel with the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 169.14 feet; thence <br />North 28 degrees 13' 33" East, a distance of 220.07 feet; thence South 61 <br />degrees 44' 13" East, parallel with said North line of Lot 1, a distance of <br />368.08 feet to the place of beginning. <br />PARCEL III: A non - exclusive easement for ingress and egress over and across Lot <br />2 shown on the recorded plat of Metal Resources Minor Subdivision, recorded June <br />13, 1985 as Document Number 8511495 and set out in Deed Record 659, page 281 <br />acknowledged December 28, 1964 and recorded January 13, 1965 and also set out in <br />Deed Record 657, page 131, dated October 13, 1964 and recorded October 28, 1964 <br />all in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />and this property has a Key Number A: 18 8021, 084104, 18 8021 847, 18 8021 <br />084717 and 18 8021 084718. B: 18 8021 084702, 18 8021 084707 and 18 8021 <br />084709, be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions of <br />Indiana Code 6 -1.1 -12.1 et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Section 2 -76 et <br />seq.; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development has concluded an <br />investigation and prepared a report with information sufficient for the Common <br />Council to determine that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area <br />under Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections <br />2 -76 et seq. and has further prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries and <br />such other information regarding the area in question as required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee of the <br />Common Council has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council <br />that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. The Common Council hereby determines and finds pursuant to <br />Indiana Code-6-1.1-12.1-4.5, that: <br />(a) the estimate of the cost of the new manufacturing equipment is <br />reasonable for equipment of that type; <br />(b) the estimate of the number of individuals that will be employed or <br />whose employment will be retained by the Petitioner can be reasonably <br />expected to result from the proposed installation of new manufacturing <br />equipment; <br />(c) the estimate of the annual salaries of those individuals who will be <br />employed or whose employment will be retained can be reasonably <br />expected to result from the proposed installation of new equipment; <br />