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Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund, and Cumulative Capital Development Fund prior to <br />the receipt of taxes in the year 1994 in order to meet the current operating expenses <br />of the City provided for in the budget adopted for the year 1994. <br />There are monies on deposit to the credit of various funds of the City, to -wit: <br />The Liability Insurance Premium and Reserve Fund, the Sewage Works Depreciation Fund, <br />the Sewage Works Operation nd Maintenance Reserve Fund, which can be temporarily <br />advanced or transferred to the various funds already mentioned. <br />Indiana Code 36 -1 -8 -4 authorizes the Common Council of the Civil City of South <br />Bend, by Resolution adopted by such Council, to advance and transfer to a depleted <br />fund from any other such fund, such amount and for such a period of time as may be <br />prescribed in the Resolution. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana as follows: <br />Section I. The City Controller of the City of South Bend is authorized to <br />transfer an aggregate amount not to exceed $7,600,000.00 to various funds from <br />various funds as listed below. The aggregate amount of $7,600,000.00 to be <br />distributed so as not to exceed at any one time the maximum amounts as set forth <br />below. Any such transfers made must be repaid by December 31, 1994. <br />FROM; MAXIMUM <br />Liability Insurance $1,000,000.00 <br />Premium & Reserve <br />Sewage Works $4,500,000.00 <br />Sewage Works $3,500,000.00 <br />Operation and Main- <br />tenance Reserve <br />TO; <br />General Fund <br />Park Maintenance <br />Fund <br />Cumulative Capital <br />Improvement Fund <br />Cumulative Capital <br />Fund <br />MAXIMUM <br />$7,000,000.00 <br />$1,500,000.00 <br />200,000.00 <br />300,000.00 <br />TOTAL $9,000,000.00 $9,000,000.00 <br />Section II. Such transfer shall be made for a period of time not to extend <br />beyond December 31, 1994, and such funds to be transferred shall be returned and <br />repaid to the original funds from which they were transferred. <br />Section III. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />A public hearing was held on <br />Director, made the presentation <br />few years the City can meet its <br />anticipation time warrants thro, <br />the transfer of funds will be <br />Coleman made a motion to adopt <br />The resolution was adopted by a <br />BILLS, FIRST READING <br />BILL NO. 23 -94 <br />/s/ Ann Puzzello <br />Member of the Common Council <br />the resolution at this time. Jeff Rinard, Finance <br />for the resolution. He indicated that as in the past <br />1994 operating expenses without the need to issue tax <br />igh the proposed inter -fund borrowing. He indicated <br />repaid prior to December 31, 1994. Council Member <br />the resolution, seconded by Council Member Ladewski. <br />roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />A BILL TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE ALLEY TO <br />BE VACATED IS DESCRIBED AS THE FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY NORTH OF <br />EAST COLFAX AVENUE FROM THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE FIRST <br />NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF NORTH ST. PETER TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF- <br />WAY LINE OF ST. PETER FOR A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 165 FEET <br />AND A WIDTH OF APPROXIMATELY 14 FEET. ALLEY LOCATED IN FIRST <br />ADDITION TO LOWELL IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Luecke made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and third reading on April 11, and refer it to the Public Works <br />and Vacation Committee, seconded by Council Member Coleman. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 30 -94 A BILL AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 21, ZONING, OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS AMENDED, BY <br />ADDING A NEW "O" OFFICE DISTRICT, AND MAKING CERTAIN OTHER <br />RELATED REVISIONS. <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Coleman made a motion to refer this bill <br />to Area Plan, seconded by Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 31 -94 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AMENDING SECTION 5 -1 AND SECTION 5 -49 OF CHAPTER 5 OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ANIMALS AND FOWL ". <br />This bill had first reading. Council Member Coleman made a motion to set this bill <br />for public hearing and third reading on April 11, and refer it to the Heath and <br />Public Safety Committee, seconded by Council Member Duda. The motion carried. <br />