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corrected the problem of lines feeding into an 18" line. Mr. Leszczynski indicated <br />the larger lines would no longer feed into the 18" line. Council Member Slavinskas <br />made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council <br />Member Washington. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 25 -94 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />CREATING THE GOLF COURSE DIVISION WITHIN THE PARK MAINTENANCE FUND AND <br />APPROPRIATING MONIES FROM THE PARK MAINTENANCE DIVISION TO THE GOLF <br />COURSE DIVISION WITHIN THE PARK MAINTENANCE FUND OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA FOR THE YEAR 1994. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Washington <br />reported that the Parks and Recreation Department had met on this bill and <br />recommended it to the Council favorable. Ron O'Connor, fiscal officer for the Park <br />Department, made the presentation for the bill. <br />He indicated this bill would allow for the creation of a Golf Course Division <br />within the Park Maintenance Fund which would be used for golf course related <br />expenditures. He indicated the appropriation would be used for to fund this <br />division. Council Member Coleman made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council <br />favorable, seconded by Council Member Washington. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 26 -94 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />APPROPRIATING MONIES WITHIN THE ZOO ENDOWMENT FUND TO BE USED FOR <br />CAPITAL PROJECTS AND /OR IMPROVEMENTS AT THE POTAWATOMI ZOO, CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA FOR THE YEAR 1994. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Washington <br />reported that the Parks and Recreation Department had met on this bill and <br />recommended it to the Council favorable. Ron O'Connor, fiscal officer for the Park <br />Department, made the presentation for the bill. <br />He indicated this bill would appropriate moneys from the Dorothy Shanafelt Douglas <br />Trust for construction of a maintenance storage facility; and renovation of Swan Lake <br />Islands. Council Member Puzzello made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council <br />favorable, seconded by Council Member Ladewski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 27 -94 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />APPROPRIATING $220,980.06 FROM NON - REVERTING REVENUE CATEGORIES WITHIN <br />THE PARK MAINTENANCE FUND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Washington <br />reported that the Parks and Recreation Department had met on this bill and <br />recommended it to the Council favorable. Ron O'Connor, fiscal officer for the Park <br />Department, made the presentation for the bill. <br />He indicated this appropriation would taken from user fees non - reverting revenue. He <br />indicated they planned to make capital improvements on the East Race Waterway, Howard <br />Park Ice Rink, Elbel Golf Course and Zoo and the picnic area at Potawatomi Park. <br />Council Member Coleman made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, <br />seconded by Council Member Coleman. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 28 -94 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />APPROPRIATING $375,000.00 FROM THE OPERATING BALANCE OF THE PARK <br />MAINTENANCE FUND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Washington <br />reported that the Parks and Recreation Department had met on this bill and <br />recommended it to the Council favorable. Ron O'Connor, fiscal officer for the Park <br />Department, made the presentation for the bill. <br />He indicated this appropriation would be used to for the Kennedy Park Ball Diamond <br />lights, and equipment, ice rink equipment, Potawatomi Pavilion site plan and asbestos <br />removal, Greenhouse, Rum Village LaSalle Center gym floor, recreational poll <br />structures, resurface basketball and tennis courts and to pay for the negotiation <br />contracts for the buyout of the golf pro contracts. Council Member Coleman made a <br />motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member <br />Washington. The motion carried. <br />Council Member Coleman made a motion to rise and report to the Council, seconded by <br />Council Member Luecke. The motion carried. <br />ATTEST: ATTEST: <br />C <br />City Cler� C irman <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of thd' City of South Bend reconvened in the <br />Council Chambers on the fourth floor of the County -City Building at 8:10 p.m. <br />Council President Puzzello presiding, and nine members present. <br />BILLS, THIRD READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8475 -94 AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: <br />THE FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY (ALSO KNOWN AS GOETZ COURT), SOUTH <br />OF WESTERN AVENUE FROM THE EAST RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF SOUTH <br />