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Health & Public Safety <br />4.36 a.m. <br />March 25, 2013 <br />Committee Members Present: Karen White, Dr. Ferlic, Dr. Varner, Tim Scott <br />Other Council Present: Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, Oliver Davis, Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: Becky Neese, Steve Cox, Mack Neal, Scott Ruszkowski <br />Agenda: Bill No. 09 -13 — Chronic Property Regulations <br />Bill No. 10 -13 — Certification of Occupancy <br />Fire Department Training Center —Steve Cox, SBFD Chief <br />Karen White, Chairperson of the Health and Public Safety Committee opened the meeting with three <br />items on the agenda. The first Bill No. 09 -13, is meant to address chronic problem properties, that is, <br />those that generate excessive calls for service, particularly police, code, and fire. The bill sets limits on <br />nuisance calls to the same property by imposing fees to be collected from the property owner. The bill <br />continues Karen White's efforts to improve the quality of life in South Bend's neighborhoods. <br />Karen recognized Councilmember Tim Scott who is the "point man" on developing this bill to make the <br />presentation. Tim reported that the bill needed more work so asked it be continued until April 8th. On <br />his motion, seconded by Councilmember Dr. David Varner and affirmed by all the bill was continued. <br />The second item on the agenda Bill No. 10 -13 was a technical amendment to the Code offered by the <br />Area Plan Commission in the person of Becky Neese. More specifically the bill requires a certificate of <br />occupancy be issued by the building department for work completed on both commercial and <br />residential structures. In the past the state provided this certificate but stopped this year. The bill <br />would reinstate the practice locally. <br />On motions by Varner and Scott affirmed by all, the bill was sent to full Council favorably. <br />The last item on the agenda was a presentation by Fire Chief Steve Cox on the long anticipated Fire <br />Department Training Center and new Fire Station #5. <br />With the help of a slide presentation Chief Cox addressed the training facility. He said a site at the <br />corner of Sample and High Street was selected for the proposed facility. The site was ideal in that is was <br />close to the Central Fire Station, but buffered from any residential properties. He added the facility <br />would address a long standing need for training which would enhance the safety of both the public and <br />firefighters. <br />The new fire station #5 would replace the present inadequate station on the same site. The present <br />single -bay station is not large enough to house today's equipment or views needed in the SW area of <br />town. <br />Mark Neal explained the funding mechanism for the projects. He said the City would propose a not to <br />exceed $20 million bond to be repaid by ambulance fees held in fund #288 for Fire Department capital <br />purposes. <br />