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Community Investment February 28, 2013 <br />4:30 P.M. <br />Committee Members Present: Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis, Valerie Schey, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Derek D. Dieter <br />Other Present: Scott Ford, Don Inks <br />Agenda: Organizational Meeting <br />Committee Chair Gavin Ferlic opened the meeting by introducing Scott Ford Director of the <br />Community Investment Department who was asked to highlight the departments priorities for <br />the coming year. <br />Scott said emphasis to revitalize the inner core of the city would continue. Scott said the <br />continued effort to find an investor willing to commit to a public /private partners up to <br />revitalize the Chase Tower looked promising. So too was the case for the LaSalle Building. On <br />the East Bank area new Investment in both residential and commercial projects was rapidly <br />morphing from dream to reality. <br />Scott also spoke to a continuing focus on investing in high tech pointing to the Renaissance <br />Center as well as Innovation and Ignition Park developments. <br />Gavin then turned to the Council for input. Henry Davis spoke first. His remarks called for an <br />improved abatement process particularly on compliance follow -up. Henry said a streamlined <br />process would both improve accountability and prove to be more business friendly. Henry also <br />questioned the administration's commitment to the LWW and Western Ave corridor <br />revitalization efforts. <br />Tim Scott suggested the possibility of a special meeting of both the Residential Neighborhoods <br />and Community Investment committees to set goals and objectives for the corridor <br />development. <br />Valerie Schey said a "big picture" look at economic development was needed. All revenue <br />sources, currently used along with possible new sources of revenue should be looked at along <br />with an expenditure survey to determine how economic development resources were spent, to <br />what end, and by whom. <br />Derek Dieter picked up on the notion of needing better abatement compliance information <br />along with a better, cleaner, clearer process. He used this opportunity as a forum to push his <br />idea of moving City Hall to the closed College Football Hall of Fame. Regarding corridor <br />development he said the administration needed to develop and commit to a plan. <br />