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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1997 <br />Foundation Drive, South Bend, Indiana, and which is more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />PARCEL I: A description of 8.2895 acres of land in the <br />North half of Section 28, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana, said 8.2895 acre tract being <br />part of a certain 12.00 acre tract described in Deed Book <br />593, page 47 of the deed records of said St. Joseph County, <br />said 8.2895 acre tract being more particularly described as <br />follows: Commencing at a PK nail with disc set at the North <br />Quarter corner of said Section 28, thence along the <br />northerly line of said orth half of Section 28, being also <br />the north line of said 12.00 acre tract, north 89059'54" <br />West a distance of 165.00 feet to a PK nail set for the <br />Northwest corner of said 12.00 acre tract; thence along the <br />Westerly line of said 12.00 acre tract, South 00014'02 west <br />a distance of 973.35 feet to a 1 1/4" iron pipe found for <br />the southwest corner of said 12.00 acre tract being also the <br />Southwest corner of the said 8.2895 tract herein described; <br />thence along the southerly line of said 12.00 acre tract, <br />south 89053127" east a distance of 371.17 feet to a 2/4" <br />iron pipe found at the southeast corner of said 12.00 acre <br />tract, being also the southeast corner of the 8.2895 acre <br />tract herein described; thence along the Easterly line of <br />said 12.00 acre tract, north 00o12133" east a distance of <br />973.60 feet to a 1" iron pipe found at the corner of said <br />12.00 acre tract, being also the southeast corner of a <br />certain tract of land described in recorded Document No. <br />9016462; thence along a line of said 12.00 acre tract, being <br />also the southerly line of said recorded Document No. <br />9016462, north 89055150" West a distance of 370.70 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL II: A description of a portion of the north half of <br />Section 28, Township 38 north, Range 2 East, St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana, said portion being more particularly <br />described as follows: Commencing at the north quarter, <br />corner of said Section 28, being a PK nail and disc marked <br />"S0307 "; thence along the north line of said Section 28, <br />north 89059154" West, a distance of 165.00 feet to a PK nail <br />and disc set marked "S030711, thence along the westerly line <br />of a certain 12.00 acre tract of land described in Deed Book <br />593, page 47 on file and of record in the office of the <br />Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana, South 00014'02" <br />west, a distance of 1758.58 feet to a 1/ 1/4" iron pipe <br />found for the southwest corner of said 12.00 acre tract of <br />land and the point of beginning of said portion herein <br />describe; thence continuing along the southerly extension of <br />said westerly line, south 00o14102" west, a distance of <br />20.64 feet to an iron bar set, market "S030711, in the <br />northerly right of way line of proposed foundation drive <br />extension as shown on the plat of Airport Industrial Park, <br />Phase III and IV and recorded as Document No. 7806496; <br />thence along said northerly right of way line, north <br />89044'58" east a distance of 35.92 feet to a h" iron bar <br />found for the northwesterly corner of a certain tract of <br />land described in recorded Document No. 8822679; thence <br />along the north 89057'43" east a distance of 335.26 feet to <br />an iron bar set; thence along the southerly extension of the <br />easterly line of said 12.00 acre tract of land, north <br />00012'22" east, a distance of 19.56 feet to a 3/4 iron pipe <br />found at the Southeast corner of said 12.00 acre tract of <br />land; thence along the southerly line of said 12.00 acre <br />tract of land, being also the northerly line of said portion <br />herein described, north 89053127" west, 371.77 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />and this property has Key Numbers 18 8006 0288, be designated as <br />an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions of Indiana <br />Code 6 -1,1- 12.1 -1 et sea., and South Bend Municipal Code Section <br />