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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 26, 1998 <br />COMMISSION ON AFRICAN - AMERICAN MALES <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the <br />above bill, proponents and opponents were given an opportunity to <br />be heard. Council Member Coleman made a motion to accept the <br />substitute bill on file with the City Clerk, seconded by Council <br />Member Aranowski. The motion carried. Council Member Ujdak <br />reported that the Health and Public Safety and the Residential <br />Neighborhoods Committees had met on this bill and recommended it <br />to the Council favorable. Council Member Pfeifer made the <br />presentation for the bill. She advised she had worked in the <br />criminal justice system, and during that time she had witnessed <br />drugs, crack, and an increase of violent crimes among African <br />American males. She indicated this problem could no longer be <br />ignored, since it effects the entire community. She reported <br />that this proposed commission will submit annual reports to the <br />mayor and the City Council. She reported there are other <br />commissions throughout the State and they will be able to network <br />with the other city commissions, at the state and national level. <br />She indicated this commission will develop long -range goals that <br />will be reviewed annually. Darren Washington, executive director <br />of the Indiana Commission, advised that the Commission's main <br />objective is legislation and public policy. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 <br />E. Altgeld, urged the Council to vote against this bill, and read <br />remarks in opposition which indicated the forming of this <br />commission was politically motivated. Council Member Varner made <br />a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, <br />seconded by Council Member Hosinski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 8 -98 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND,,INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR <br />LICENSING AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND SERVICE CENTERS <br />AND VEHICLE REMOVAL SERVICES <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the <br />above bill, proponents and opponents were given an opportunity to <br />be heard. Council Member Broden reported that the Personnel and <br />Finance Committee had met on this bill and recommended it to the <br />Council favorable. Ann -Carol Simons, assistant city attorney, <br />made the presentation for the bill. She reported that this bill <br />is to revise the requirements for licensing automotive repair and <br />service centers and vehicle removal services. She indicated this <br />will clarify some of the requirements for these service centers. <br />Council Member Hosinski made a motion to recommend this bill to <br />the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Sniadecki. <br />After Council discussion, Council Member Hosinski withdrew his <br />motion. He then made a motion that this matter be continued and <br />referred back to committee, seconded by Council Member Varner. <br />The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 9 -98 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA APPROPRIATING $150,000.00 FROM THE <br />COVELESKI IMPROVEMENT FUND (FUND NO. 401) <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the <br />above bill, proponents and opponents were given an opportunity to <br />be heard. Council Member Aranowski reported that the Parks and <br />Recreation Committee had met on this bill and recommended it to <br />the Council favorable. Betsy Harriman, administrative director, <br />of the Park Department, made the presentation for the bill. She <br />reported that this appropriation will be used for ongoing <br />maintenance of Coveleski. Council Member Hosinski made a motion <br />to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by <br />Council Member Pfeifer. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 10 -98 A BILL APPROPRIATING $2,400,000 OF SECTION 108 <br />LOAN FUNDS, PLUS INTEREST EARNED THEREON, FOR USE <br />IN REHABILITATION, CONSTRUCTION AND REDEVELOPMENT <br />ACTIVITIES <br />