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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 22. 1999 <br />SECTION VIII. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br />by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s /Sean Coleman <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Councilmember Kelly reported that the Community & Economic Development Committee met on <br />this Resolution and sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. William Faust, Engineering Manager, Uniroyal Technology Corporation, 2001 West <br />Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this Resolution. Mr. Faust <br />informed the Council that Mr. Jim Elgin, General Manager, would be in attendance shortly. <br />Mr. Faust utilized a photograph of the site to show members the area for the proposed extension of <br />the facility. He noted it is south of Orange Street on the northeast corner of the facility in the unused <br />area adjacent to the City's retention basin on the east side. Mr. Faust further noted that the extension <br />will be approximately eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet and will be of masonry block <br />construction. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council in favor of this Resolution. <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to this Resolution: <br />Ms. Dorothy Wayne, 501 North Gernhart Street, Mishawaka, Indiana, informed the Council that she <br />had said it before and will say it again, that Uniroyal may be gone from Mishawaka but they are not <br />forgotten. She reminded the Council that in April of 1997 Uniroyal Plastics walked away from a <br />mess in Mishawaka. She noted that in a recent South Bend Tribune article Council President <br />Coleman suggested that the company currently located in South Bend is not the same as the one <br />which left Mishawaka. Ms. Wayne noted that they have the same address for their corporate <br />headquarters and this is just a name game. Ms. Wayne indicated that Uniroyal left Mishawaka with <br />forty -three (43) acres to clean -up as well as two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) in unpaid property <br />taxes. She further outlined the amount of waste that was left, the dollar amounts it is costing to <br />clean -up as well as demolition estimates. In conclusion she stated that enough is enough and that <br />it has cost taxpayers enough money. She asked the Council to please take these comments into <br />consideration in granting this tax abatement. <br />Mr. James Benjamin, 901 North Webster, Mishawaka, Indiana, informed the Council that Mr. Faust <br />from Uniroyal would like to paint a picture of Uniroyal being a good place to work. He indicated <br />that perhaps the Council should talk to the union members. Uniroyal failed their employees in the <br />area of insurance and pension for retired workers. He said Uniroyal is not a good neighbor and they <br />will move out of South Bend just like they did Mishawaka. In conclusion, Mr. Benjamin asked that <br />the Council not get into the same situation as Mishawaka is in at this time. <br />Mr. Faust indicated that the Uniroyal operation in Mishawaka has a long history first being the <br />Mishawaka Woolen Manufacturing Company that made Civil War uniforms, then became Uniroyal, <br />U.S. Rubber, Uniroyal, Inc. and Uniroyal Plastics. Uniroyal Technologies has no history going back <br />that many years. He noted that he has been with them since 1982. He noted that the operation was <br />run properly with all permits obtained and he has no knowledge of what was done as far back as the <br />1890's, 1900's and 1920's. <br />Councilmember Hosinski informed the Council that in the legal descriptions for the parcels of <br />property owned by Uniroyal it is noted that some of the parcels are located in Hosinski's <br />Subdivision. Coutcilmember Hosinski noted that his great grandfather derived the benefits from <br />that sale and he has no interest in the property and he will therefore not recuse himself from voting <br />on this matter. Additionally, with respect to comments made by the residents of the City of <br />Mishawaka, he stated that Councilmembers have to look at what affects their districts and have an <br />