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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 8, 1999 <br />Ms. Catherine M. Brucker, Assistant Zoning Administrator, Building Department, 205 West <br />Jefferson Boulevard, Suite 100, South Bend, Indiana, gave the report from the Board of Zoning <br />Appeals. <br />Mr. Brucker reported that the building at 231 South Michigan Street is existing with a commercial <br />store front. Locating one (1) apartment on the second floor will not be detrimental to or endanger <br />public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. The commercial use is existing and the <br />addition of a residence will actually improve the surrounding property values. The downtown area <br />has been planned for location of commercial /residential uses and this use falls within the planned <br />development for the area. Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and necessary facilities are <br />existing. Further, adequate measures to provide ingress and egress so designated as to minimize <br />traffic congestion in the public streets are existing. <br />Ms. Brucker noted that the Board of Zoning Appeals, at its Public Hearing held on October 21, 1999, <br />sends this petition to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Charles Leone, Attorney at Law, 105 East Jefferson Boulevard, Jefferson Centre Suite 400, <br />South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation on behalf of the Petitioner, David L. Hab and Lois M. <br />Busse, 231 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana. <br />Mr. Leone informed the Council that the building in question currently houses the Dainty Maid <br />Bake Shop on the first floor. The owner would like to renovate one -third (1/3) of the second floor <br />for use as an apartment. The upstairs is also used as an office and for storage. This use is consistent <br />with what has been done in that block and will be an asset. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />Resolution, Councilmember Pfeifer made a motion to adopt this Resolution. Councilmember Varner <br />seconded the motion which carried and the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of six (6) ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2810-99 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A <br />DECLARATORY RESOLUTION DESIGNATING <br />CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3820 WILLIAM <br />RICHARDSON DRIVE TO BE AN ECONOMIC <br />REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF A FIVE <br />(5) YEAR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT <br />FOR FDC GRAPHIC FILMS, INC. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has adopted a <br />Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the City as Economic Revitalization Areas <br />for the purpose of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area commonly known as 3820 <br />William Richardson Drive, South Bend, Indiana, and which is more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />A parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range <br />2 East, German Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and described as being Lot <br />6 of the Toll Road Industrial Park - Section Four, as recorded under instrument <br />number 8822752, dated August 18, 1988, at the office of the recorder, St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana, and containing 9.1421 acres, more or less, and is subject to all <br />easements, restrictions and/or covenants of record. <br />and which has Key Number 25- 1013 - 0211.19, as an Economic Revitalization Area; and <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />