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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 11, 1999 <br />Mr. Byorni noted that variances will be required before the final site plan is approved. He noted <br />that variances will be required for the front setback from twenty feet (20) to five feet (5'), from <br />fifty -nine (59) required parking spaces to thirty six (36), off -site parking, from six feet (6) <br />screening on the south line to two and a half feet (25). <br />Additionally, based on information available prior to the Area Plan Commission Public Hearing, <br />the staff recommended that this petition be sent to the Council with a favorable recommendation, <br />subject to a final site plan. This lot is located across from Notre Dame Avenue from the hospital. <br />It is the staff's opinion that this use is part of the overall hospital and is in keeping with the <br />medical and office uses in the area. "C" Commercial zoning is necessary to accommodate this <br />use. Also, the Area Plan Commission at its Public Hearing held on September 21, 1999, sends <br />this petition to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Terry Russell, The Troyer Group, Inc., 550 Union Street, Mishawaka, Indiana, made the <br />presentation on behalf of the Petitioner Mr. Robert L. Beyer, President and CEO, Saint Joseph's <br />Regional Medical Center, Inc., 801 E. LaSalle, South Bend, Indiana. <br />Mr. Russell stated that the facility in question will be located at Notre Dame, Madison and <br />Frances Streets. It will consist of a two (2) story residential structure with thirty -six (36) <br />parking spaces on two (2) lots. The garage will house two (2) ambulances. There will also be <br />living quarters on the second level for two (2) people, four (4) offices and a conference room. <br />Councilmember Varner inquired of Mr. Byorni if the title of the bill should specifically indicate <br />the address as being "East" Madison Street as indicated in the legal description. After discussion <br />it was decided that it would be best to include the word "East" in the title. Therefore, <br />Councilmember Hosinski made a motion to add the word "East" to the title to reflect that the <br />property is located on the south side of the 900th block of East Madison Street. Councilmember <br />Aranowski seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to <br />this bill, Councilmember Hosinski made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill as substituted and amended. Councilmember Ujdak seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 64 -99 A BILL AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 202 AND 210 EAST <br />CALVERT IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Councilmember Hosinski reported that the Zoning & Annexation Committee met on this bill and <br />sends it to the Council with a unanimous favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. John Byorni, Assistant Director, Area Plan Commission, Room 1140 County -City Building, <br />South Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Commission. <br />Mr. Byorni advised that the petitioner is requesting a zone change from "A" Residential, "A" <br />Height and Area to `B" Residential, "A" Height & Area to allow an apartment building. The <br />property currently contains a commercial/apartment building. Access to the site is from Calvert <br />and St. Joseph Streets. The total site to be rezoned is twelve thousand eight hundred (12,800) <br />square feet. Of that, the buildings will occupy twenty -four per cent (24 %) of the site, parking <br />and drives will occupy twenty -one per cent (21 %) of the site and fifty -five per cent (55 %) of the <br />site will remain as open space. <br />Mr. Byorni further advised that the City Engineer will require a drainage plan at the final site <br />plan stage and the parking lot may need to be redesigned. This lot is surrounded on all sides by <br />single family zoning. Many neighborhoods like this one were zoned to single family in order to <br />