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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 26, 1999 <br />September 14, 1999. Councilmember Sniadecki seconded the motion which carried by a <br />voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />3. ATTENDANCE AT AUGUST 9, 1999 MEETING OF THE COUNCIL <br />Council President Coleman advised that he will not be present at the August 9, 1999 meeting <br />of the Council. Councilmember Hosinski also advised that he will not be in attendance at <br />that meeting. <br />4. PERSONNEL & FINANCE COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR BUDGET HEARINGS <br />Councilmember Aranowski advised that the Personnel and Finance Committee will be <br />conducting budget hearings beginning on August 30, 1999, and the full schedule of those <br />hearings will be available in the City Clerk's office. <br />5. LOITERING CONFERENCE - PART II <br />Councilmember Pfeifer reminded everyone that Part II of the Loitering Conference will take <br />place on Friday, August 6, 1999 at IUSB. She noted that Part III of the Conference will take <br />place in the future. <br />6. SOUTH BEND HOSTING CHOIR OF SISTER CITY OF CZESTOCHOWA <br />Council President Coleman advised that the City of South Bend is hosting the choir from our <br />Sister City of Czestochowa this week. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 East Victoria Street, South Bend, Indiana, distributed to Council members <br />copies of the College Football Hall of Fame June financial report. Mr. Cierzniak reviewed the <br />figures on the report with the Council as well as asking Council members some questions which he <br />included on the bottom of the June report. <br />Mr. Cierzniak also advised the Council that he responded to a recent article in the South Bend <br />Tribune written by David Haugh in which Mr. Haugh indicates that the Hall of Fame is not under <br />local ownership. Mr. Cierzniak read his response to that article. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Coleman adjourned the <br />meeting at 7:47 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />• ,W C i V • I erk <br />ATTEST: <br />Sean Coleman, President <br />