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REGULAR MEETING MAY 24, 1999 <br />He noted that the proposed rezoning would be an unprecedented intrusion into the neighborhood <br />when the Western Avenue Corridor Plan is still in the state of evolution. Mr. Ford also informed <br />the Council that the buffer that has been proposed is one hundred feet (100') from the building and <br />not the lot line. In conclusion Mr. Ford asked the Council to deny this request. The residents are <br />not anti - business they are pro- neighborhood. <br />Mr. Kevin Butler, Attorney at Law, 131 South Taylor Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the <br />Council that he represents Mr. Becker the owner of the Belleville Shopping Center. <br />Mr. Butler stated that since Mr. Becker acquired the Belleville Shopping Center he has been able to <br />get good tenants and make improvements. In response to a previous comment, he stated that the <br />parking area of the shopping center is in good condition and CVS has not complained about the <br />condition of the lot. The issue is not CVS or Belleville but what the neighbors want for their area. <br />Mr. Butler explained to the Council the trade proposal which Mr. Moyer previously mentioned. Mr. <br />Butler outlined the composition of the area for the Council. <br />Mr. Zappia, in rebuttal, informed the Council that the petitions submitted contain a large number of <br />individuals in favor of this project. He noted that some of the residents who are not selling their <br />properties are in favor of the project. He stated that traffic will not be an issue as the business will <br />feed off of existing traffic and it is anticipated that there will be approximately twenty -seven (27) <br />cars in and out during a peak period. Mr. Zappia stated that not approving this project would be a <br />two million dollar ($2,000,000.00) loss to the City. <br />During the Council portion Councilmember King inquired of the status of the Western Avenue <br />Corridor Plan. <br />Ms. Ann Kolata, Deputy Executive Director, Community & Economic Development, 1200 County - <br />City Building, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that the Plan is still in the process and is <br />nearing completion. She explained the planning process from the initial phase until completion. The <br />plan is being completed by Business Districts, Inc. One of the issues of concern in this particular <br />corridor is the depth of the lots many of which are very shallow compared to a traditional lot size. <br />Ms. Kolata noted that it is difficult to get development for a shallow lot. The developer would need <br />to go deeper into the neighborhood. What has to be balanced is the neighbors concerns versus what <br />development can be put into the space available. <br />CouncilmemberUjdak thanked Mr. Moyer for contacting the CVS office in Indianapolis concerning <br />the Lincolnway West store. He stated that the issue is whether or not this project is the appropriate <br />land use. There is not a land shortage and it's not the Council's position to get into negotiations. <br />This issue could set a precedent. Mr. Uj dak read a portion of a letter which he submitted to the Area <br />Plan Commission at the time of their Public Hearing. He stated that he cannot support this project <br />at this time. Perhaps when the Western Avenue Corridor Plan is in place the Council could look <br />at this project again. <br />Councilmember Hosinski stated that he will support this project. As a Councilman at large he is <br />looking at the greater picture and is looking at the greater west side and not just the district. <br />Councilmember Kelly inquired if this matter could be continued until the Western Avenue Corridor <br />Plan is in place. Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand stated that even though state law has <br />changed and the maximum length of time the Council has to act on these types of matters has been <br />extended to ninety (90) days from when they receive a recommendation from the Area Plan <br />Commission, the deadline for the Council to act on this matter would be its next meeting in June. <br />Ms. Kolata stated that Business Districts, Inc.'s plan is expected within the next two (2) weeks but <br />it would not be adopted by the Area Plan Commission and the Common Council that quick. <br />Council President Coleman stated that the Council is concerned about the future of all commercial <br />corridors and for the first time have actual dollars to back up efforts to try to better plan for the future <br />of the commercial corridors. President Coleman stated that the Council are stewards of the current <br />