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REGULAR MEETING MAY 24. 1999 <br />ten thousand (10,000) going through the intersection of Mayflower and Western. The proposed new <br />store would cost approximately two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) and employ twenty -seven (27) <br />employees with an annual payroll of $650,000.00. He noted that CVS does not plan to have this <br />store open twenty -four (24) hours a day and that only one (1) large semi -truck per week would make <br />deliveries during business hours. The site currently has three (3) accesses to Western Avenue but <br />it is proposed that one (1) of those accesses would be utilized. In conclusion, Mr. Zappia reminded <br />members of the Council that the Area Plan Commission gave this rezoning a favorable <br />recommendation and it is unfortunate that the owner of the Belleville Shopping Center is leading the <br />remonstrance against this project. <br />Mr. Michael Danch, Peirce & Associates, 3231 Sugar Maple Court, South Bend, Indiana, informed <br />the Council that his firm has been hired by CVS. He presented to the Council a reduced site plan <br />and noted that he has been working with the staff of the Community & Economic Development <br />Department as well as Area Plan in trying to coordinate the City's plan with CV S's plan. They came <br />back with two (2) possible options from consultants and staff. One of the recommendations was to <br />place the building up at the northeast corner of the site with delivery at the northeast corner off of <br />Sheridan with the drive thru on the south side. CVS had several conflicts with this plan as it would <br />not accommodate the size of the building that CVS wanted to place at that site. Option two is the <br />one that was selected and a site plan was developed from that. In this plan the building was moved <br />closer to Western Avenue with one entrance door to CVS located on the northeast corner. Parking <br />would be along Western and Sheridan. Mr. Danch again stated that it was their understanding that <br />this was to be part of a commercial node. He noted that they worked with the City to determine what <br />alleys to vacate and where the new proposed alley would be located. Mr. Danch further noted that <br />they did meet with the Western Avenue Business Association and did not get any negative <br />comments. Also, they worked with the City and prepared envelopes for a mailing to residents who <br />lived greater than three hundred feet (300') informing them of a meeting at Harrison School on May <br />11th at which time the consultants plan would be discussed as well as this project. No one at that <br />meeting made any comments about the CVS project. In conclusion, Mr. Danch stated that they <br />believed that they met all the City's concerns. At this time he presented a petition signed by <br />residents who were in favor of this project as well as a diagram indicating the residents in favor of <br />the project. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />The following individuals spoke in favor of the rezoning: <br />Mr. Gary Mentag, 4014 Western Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, owner of Herb's Towing Company <br />informed the Council that he has agreed to sell his property to CVS. He stated that <br />misrepresentations are going through the neighborhood indicating that the store would be open <br />twenty -four (24) hours a day, that the truck traffic would be bad and that the lighting would be a <br />problem. He noted that Ms. Patty Holston, 413 South Albert Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed <br />him that someone came to her house and wanted her to sign against the project which she supports. <br />As Ms. Holston could not be present tonight, Mr. Mentag read a letter from Ms. Holston indicating <br />her support. <br />Mr. Ken McKinney, 418 South Albert Street, South Bend, Indiana, addressed the Council and stated <br />that he is in support of the project and has signed the petition. <br />Mr. Armand Paluzzi, 4102 Western Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he <br />attended meetings on January 21, 1999 and again on May 11, 1999, regarding the corridor plan and <br />the whole purpose of the plan is to beautify the City. He noted that CVS intends to spend two <br />million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for a beautiful facility on that particular corner. <br />Mr. John Gault, 748 Country Club Lane, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he is the <br />owner of the building at the corner of Western and Sheridan that CVS plans to purchase. He stated <br />that he has tried to keep the building alive with tenants but it has been hard. CVS coming to this <br />location is the closest they can come to getting a nice business in that area. He noted that he has had <br />