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SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 19, 2001 <br />There was no one else wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke apologized if he was not clear in what he stated. In his initial presentation <br />he referenced the $7,000.00 increase in the first class salary. In the first year, and this includes <br />looking at the cash allowance as well as the salary, a $32,682.00 salary plus $2,200.00 cash <br />allowance is a base pay of $34,882.00 which is $1,407.00 more than that base pay currently. In the <br />second year the salary is $34,505.00 plus a $1,800.00 cash allowance for $36,304.00 which is <br />$2,829.00 more than the level currently being received by a first class officer. In the third year it is <br />a $4,500.00 increase over what is currently being received and in the fourth year it is $6,300.00. He <br />noted that $15,000.00 is the total new dollars compared to the current compensation. Mayor Luecke <br />stated that what they were looking at is the total dollars in the pay over that period of time by <br />comparing them to the current level. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski- Farrand read the three (3) technical corrections as follows: <br />On Page 4 Paragraph "L ", Fifteen Thousand and 00 /100 Dollars should be <br />struck and replaced with One Thousand Five Hundred and 00 /100 Dollars. <br />In Paragraph "M" add the word "to" between continued and provide. <br />On Page 5, Paragraph "R" the sentence should begin "A qualified Field <br />Training Officer (FTO) shall" <br />Those are the only changes of a technical nature. Councilmember Coleman made a motion to <br />amend the second substitute version of this bill as read into the record by Council Attorney <br />Cekanski - Farrand. Councilmember Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />seven (7) ayes and one (1) nay vote by Councilmember Kirsits. <br />Councilmember Varner stated that the City wanted to make a significant improvement in the position <br />of first class patrolman because there are a number of retirees who look to their pension as a <br />substantial portion of their retirement income. This bill will add $8,600.00 to the pension base He <br />stated that he wished the City could pay what New Albany paid but South Bend has a flat tax base <br />and has the second highest property tax rates in the State of Indiana. This increase may not be what <br />the police officers wanted but it is healthy. Councilmember Varner noted that looking into the future <br />the City may have to look for additional sources of revenue. Beginning with the budget hearings <br />next week the Council can look to make sure that those extra dollars will be there in the form of <br />savings over the next three (3) years rather than having to look at some sort of change in the property <br />tax rate. Councilmember Varner stated that the negotiating team did a wonderful j ob and he intends <br />to support this bill. <br />Councilmember Coleman urged the FOP membership to act favorably on the proposal that they will <br />be reviewing. The proposal represents the City's continuing commitment to improve the base <br />salaries of the police officers. This is an effort that was begun four (4) years ago when the contract <br />increased the police officers salary over twenty- five per cent (25 %) which was the largest pay <br />increase in at least twenty -five (25) years. This contract would increase wages by another twenty - <br />three per cent (23 %) during the next four (4) years an increase of over $8,000.00 in the first class <br />patrolman salary. It took from the mid 1970's to the mid 1990's for the City to fall as far behind in <br />salary increases for the police department due in large measure to the community's inability to enact <br />additional sources of revenue specifically the option taxes. Councilmember Coleman noted that all <br />Councilmembers are committed to continuing to improve wages and working conditions for the <br />police officers. The contract that the FOP members will consider this week has very substantial <br />increases across all ranks and allows the City to address salaries fairly, responsibly and <br />cooperatively. <br />Councilmember Kirsits stated that he agrees with Councilmember Varner on the property tax issues. <br />He noted that he does not believe the City's budget is destitute but thinks it is a matter of priorities. <br />He further stated that he is embarrassed that the police pay is so low in this City and when he looks <br />1 <br />U <br />1 <br />