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REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2001 <br />Councilmember Ujdak noted that he made a statement at the committee meeting this afternoon that <br />unfortunately the Council is the final arbiter of the conflict. He stated that he does not believe the <br />thirty -five (35) to forty (40) day window is unreasonable for all parties to try to find some common <br />ground. As stated, the Council is the hearing of last resort. He noted that he believes very firmly <br />in Councilmember King's statement that the owner has the right to know what they can do with that <br />property. Councilmember Uj dak further noted that generally, he has been very supportive personally <br />of historic land marking. However, public buildings area different realm because taxpayers have <br />a piece of that building. However, there is a cost associated with maintaining, keeping or restoring <br />that building and no one knows what those dollars are. In conclusion, Councilmember Uj dak stated <br />that forty -five (45) days is not too long of an inconvenience on any of the parties. <br />The motion passed by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 44-01 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL TO VACATE THE <br />FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE ALLEY TO <br />BE VACATED IS THE FIRST NORTH /SOUTH ALLEY <br />WEST OF LAWNDALE AVENUE FROM THE SOUTH <br />RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF LINCOLNWAY WEST TO <br />THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE FIRST <br />EAST /WEST ALLEY FOR A DISTANCE OF 120 FEET <br />AND A WIDTH OF 12 FEET. BEING A PART OF <br />PLEASANT HOME ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA <br />Councilmember Varner reported that the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee met on <br />this bill and sends it to the Council with an unfavorable recommendation. <br />Ms. Rebecca Al- shawi, representing Mr. Ali Al- shawi, 1406 Lincolnway West, South Bend, Indiana, <br />Petitioner, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Ms. Al -shawi informed the Council that they want to vacate the alley to add it onto their business. <br />She noted that they own the houses on either side of the alley and they are the only ones that <br />basically use of the alley. She noted that trash haulers and utilities use the back part of the alley. <br />Ms. Al -shawi stated that individuals walking up and down the alley throw trash which they are <br />constantly cleaning up. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Mr. Gary Gilot, Director, Department of Public Works, 1300 County -City Building, South Bend, <br />Indiana, advised that the Board of Public Works sent an unfavorable recommendation concerning <br />this bill to the Common Council. The proposed vacation would create a "T" alley and would restrict <br />movement from Lincolnway West into the neighborhood. He noted there was a split decision of the <br />Lincolnway Steering Committee which was the reason this bill was continued until this date to allow <br />the petitioner to go to that committee. They also expressed concern about the vacation but they <br />deferred to the Police, Fire and EMS concerns. Mr. Gilot noted that in the packet of backup <br />materials that the Board of Public Works submitted to the Council there were no specific objections <br />from Police, Fire or EMS, but the Board of Public Works's based its negative recommendation on <br />their standard policy of denying any vacations that would create a "T" and make it difficult to access <br />without encroaching onto private property. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak either in favor or opposition to this matter. <br />Ms. Ali Al -shawi was given the right to rebuttal which she refused. <br />