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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 26, 2001 <br />football is proposed and also band practice. <br />Mr. Hebard noted that the site design is basically developed to reduce congestion on the site <br />surrounding the high school. Currently there is a significant amount of congestion at the intersection <br />of Wall Street and Twyckenham Avenue. They have designed a bus drop off lane and a drop off <br />plaza in the front of the historic main tower entry to the high school rejuvenating the main entrance <br />to the high school. The buses will exit and head north on Twyckenham and they will not cross the <br />traffic going south. Angled off site parking will be developed along Wall Street per the City <br />Engineer's direction. The parking will be in the eastward orientation so that the cars would exit and <br />head north on Greenlawn again reducing congestion at Wall Street. Additionally, they have created <br />a number of drop -off and pick up points for students around the school. The northeast parking lot <br />is slated for staff parking. This will assure that all the students won't be existing onto Wall Street <br />into the neighborhoods at the close of school. This will also reduce congestion along Wall Street <br />and the neighborhoods. A path sidewalk, eight (8) feet wide, will be developed creating access from <br />the neighborhood at the north, looping around the track and coming back to the current stop light <br />location at Mishawaka Avenue which will cross over to IUSB. The trees that have been removed <br />on the park property will be replaced two (2) for one (1). <br />Councilmember Kirsits inquired if the traffic light at Greenlawn and Mishawaka Avenue will remain <br />as well as a safe pedestrian crossing at that location. He noted that without the cross street, the <br />traffic might go through the light. Councilmember Kirsits further noted that the plan indicates that <br />the median contains green space and he inquired if a pedestrian island was going to be created half- <br />way across for people trying to cross at that location. Mr. Gilot advised that it is the City's intent <br />to keep the traffic signal there for the purpose of pedestrian movements. There will be a push button <br />to activate the light to stop the traffic so that pedestrians could cross. The presence of a grass median <br />provides yet another safe oasis for people mid -way across and there will be a crosswalk between the <br />walkway indicators. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />The following individuals spoke in favor of the bill: <br />Mr. Chris Murphy, 1008 Victory, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he is a freshman <br />at Adams High School and supports the closing of Greenlawn because he is a member of the <br />marching band and the basketball team. As a member of the band they use the practice field for <br />marching drills and practicing. As a member of the basketball team they use the track for summer <br />and fall conditioning. Without the closing of Greenlawn, all athletics, marching band, physical <br />education classes, as well as the general public, will be affected. Mr. Murphy stated that every day <br />residents of the area use the tennis courts, the track and football field for exercise. Busing of athletes <br />and the band to other schools is more expensive and a waste of valuable practice time. Other schools <br />have practice fields at their schools and he asked that they do not make Adams the only school <br />without a practice field. <br />Ms. Barbara Saunders Brownell, 1407 Sunnymede, South Bend, Indiana, advised that she has always <br />supported the Park Department as the City parks are a breath of life to the community. Ms. Brownell <br />summarized her involvement in various actions at the city parks. She stated that she also supports <br />the school corporation's efforts to update their buildings. The school corporation needs a part of <br />Greenlawn closed to continue the Adams High School project. Ms. Brownell stated that the plan <br />seems to not only better Adams High School but enhances a part of Potawatomi Park that is <br />underutilized. She noted that the traffic will be less busy on Greenlawn once people realize they <br />cannot get to Mishawaka Avenue. The street will be used solely as a route to the zoo and park. She <br />noted that the number of high schools in the corporation is the job of the school board. Adams High <br />School needs a bigger building and the only logical place they can turn is to the Park Department <br />which gave its approval. In conclusion, Ms. Brownell noted that it is essential that the City and the <br />school corporation work together for the betterment of the education program for all students. <br />Mr. John Phair, 1612 East Washington, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he supports the closing <br />of Greenlawn and believes that Potawatomi Park will be better than before. A little used open <br />I- <br />I- <br />