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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 2002 <br />Therefore, Councilmember Coleman made a motion to send this bill favorably to full Council. <br />Councilmember Kuspa seconded the motion. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer stated that she will not be voting in support of this bill. She noted that for <br />years the City has made a commitment to stabilize neighborhoods and to make it such that single <br />family owners can move in and have affordable housing. Not only has the NNN worked very hard <br />at correcting the zoning in many neighborhoods, other neighborhood associations have as well. She <br />further stated that she believes that it would be a bad situation to change this zoning. Should the <br />structure have to be replaced due to a fire, then a single family house would have to be built and that <br />would continue the work that the NNN and the Lincolnway and Portage Avenue Corridors have <br />done. In conclusion, Councilmember Pfeifer advised that she will not be supporting the zoning <br />change. <br />Councilmember Kirsits commented that he is not for spot zoning and he appreciates the efforts that <br />the neighborhood association has done. However, if the petitioner intends to recoup his investment <br />and go to a land contract, that actually could be a far worse fate to the immediate neighborhood. <br />The fact that this house has had continuous use as a rental property with apartments, it deserves this <br />rezoning. He noted that there are several houses in his neighborhood in this same situation and they <br />deserve the right to continue that way as long as they are maintained. <br />Councilmember Varner noted that it appears that the house can continue to operate in its current <br />status so long as nothing catastrophic occurs. On the other hand, it was built as a duplex to begin <br />with and having existed as a duplex, that consideration should be given to the fact that this house <br />was originally built as a duplex versus a building that has been converted from a single family house. <br />He further noted that should the Council find itself inundated in the next six (6) months with <br />requests from other building owners in the neighborhood, the Council can absolutely make a <br />distinction between that which has been converted and that which has been constructed as a duplex. <br />Councilmember King noted that there has been a motion and a second to send this bill to the full <br />Council with a favorable recommendation. Because the voice vote could not be determined, <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion for a roll call vote. Councilmember Varner seconded the <br />motion for a roll call vote which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />The motion passed by a roll call vote of five (5) ayes by Councilmembers Varner, Kuspa, Coleman, <br />Kirsits and Kelly, with nay votes by Councilmembers Aranowski, Pfeifer, King and White. <br />BILL NO. 92 -02 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 1 -4 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF SOUTH BEND COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS SIX (6) COUNCILMANIC DISTRICTS <br />Council President Kelly reported that the Council Rules Committee reviewed this bill this afternoon <br />and sends it to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Ms. Charlotte Pfeifer, Second District Councilmember, 1013 West Washington Street, South Bend, <br />Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer advised that every ten (10) years after the census, governmental units are <br />required to consider redistricting. She further advised that at the end of 2001, she formed a <br />committee which had broad depth and breath of representation from neighborhoods, <br />Councilmembers and resource people. The committee met once a month on a Saturday to study <br />various plans with the result being the redistricting bill submitted this evening. Four issues kept in <br />mind were that they wanted to make sure that there was a balance of population among all of the <br />-7- <br />