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REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 28, 2002 <br />the Southeast corner of lot numbered two (2) as shown on the recorded plat of <br />All -Phase Minor Subdivision, recorded March 21, 1991 as document number <br />9106604 in the office of the recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana, thence South <br />eighty -nine degrees forty -eight minutes thirty -two seconds West (S89 °48'32 "W) a <br />distance of seven and eleven hundredths (7.11) feet to a point of the West <br />right -of -way line, such point being the point of beginning of this description, thence <br />South eighty -nine degrees forty -eight minutes thirty -two seconds West <br />(S89 °48'32 "W) a distance of eight and no hundredths (8.00) feet, thence North three <br />degrees twenty -three minutes thirteen seconds East (NO3 °23'13 "E) a distance of one <br />hundred thirty -five and forty -two hundredths (135.42) feet to a point on the West <br />right -of -way line of Bendix Drive, thence South zero degrees zero minutes zero <br />seconds West (S00 °00'00 "W) a distance of one hundred thirty -five and seventeen <br />hundredths (135.17) feet to the point of beginning of this description and containing <br />540.69 square feet (0.0124 acres) subject to all legal highways and easements of <br />record. <br />WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Real Property described above is necessary for South <br />Bend to make improvements for the public safety and convenience in a design of the intersection of <br />Lincoln Way West and Bendix Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, Indiana code 36- 1- 10.5 -5 requires the "purchasing agent" to appoint two <br />appraisers to appraise the fair market value of the Real Property. In the City of South Bend the <br />"purchasing agent" is the Board of Public Works per the definition of IC 36- 1- 10.5 -3. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />1. The South Bend Board of Public Works is authorized and directed to appoint two (2) <br />appraisers to appraise the fair market value of the Real Property. <br />2. The South Bend Board of Public Works shall give a copy of both appraisals to the <br />Common Council. <br />3. The South Bend Board of Public Works may not purchase the Real Property for a price <br />greater than the average of the two appraisals. <br />s/Roland Kelly <br />Member, South Bend Common Council <br />Mr. Carl Littrell, City Engineer, Offices in the County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana, made <br />the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Littrell advised that this Resolution will allow the Board of Public Works to acquire property <br />for the improvements to Bendix Drive just north of Lincolnway West. It is their intent to improve <br />traffic safety and reduce congestion at this intersection by constructing a right turn lane for <br />southbound traffic. This will require the purchase of sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) feet additional <br />width of right -of -way beginning at the property owned by All Phase Electric and continuing in front <br />of property owned by the McDonald Corporation and then finishing at the auto parts store on the <br />corner of Lincolnway West and Bendix. To do this work they propose to combine driveways. They <br />have contacted the property owners to discuss this proposal and they seem agreeable and are anxious <br />to hear the City's offer for their real estate. Mr. Littrell asked for the Council's favorable <br />consideration of this Resolution. <br />Councilmember Varner advised that the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee conducted <br />a Public Hearing on this bill and it comes to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />in <br />