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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 25, 2002 <br />West 152.00 feet of Bank Out Lot Numbered 46 in the State Bank of <br />Indiana's First addition of Outlots in the Town, now City of South <br />Bend. <br />Tract II. All that part of the West 152.00 feet of the South Half <br />(49.50) feet of Bank Out Lot 48 in the State Bank of Indiana's First <br />Addition of Out Lots presently owned by the Mastic Corporation, and <br />that part of the North 2.56 feet of Lot 1 in Weaver's Subdivision <br />lying West of a line 152.00 feet East of the East line of Scott Street <br />in the City of South Bend. <br />Tract III. Part of Out Lot Numbered Forty -eight (48) in the State <br />Bank of Indiana's First Addition of Outlots in the Town, now City of <br />South Bend, and part of Lot Numbered One (1) Weaver's <br />Subdivision, St. Joseph County, Indiana and being described as <br />follows: Beginning at an iron pin at the Northwest corner of the East <br />Half of said Outlot 48; thence East along the North line of said Outlot <br />48 a distance of 70.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence South along a line <br />making an angle of 90 °05' with the last described course, 55.25 feet <br />to an iron pipe; thence East on a deflection to the left 89 °39 from the <br />last described course 151.89 feet to an iron pipe; thence South along <br />the West line of Taylor Street, 44.06 to an iron pin at the Northeast <br />corner of Lot 1 in Weaver's Subdivision; thence West along the <br />South line of said Lot 48 being also the North line of said Lot 1, a <br />distance of 115.50 feet to a cross in the concrete; thence South a <br />distance of 2.56 feet to a drill hole; thence West along the North line <br />of the existing alley being parallel to and 2.56 feet South of the South <br />line of Outlot 48 a distance of 176.75 feet to an iron pipe; thence <br />North parallel to and 152.00 feet East of the East line of Scott Street, <br />101.56 feet to a drill hole on the North line of said Outlot 48; thence <br />East along said North line 70.39 feet to the point of beginning. <br />and which has Key Number 18- 3047 -1801, be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under <br />the provisions of Indiana Code 6 -1.1 -12.1 et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76 <br />et. sea.,and; <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Community and Economic Development has concluded an <br />investigation and prepared a report with information sufficient for the Common Council to determine <br />that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area under Indiana Code 6 -1.1 -12.1, et. seq., <br />and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76, et seq., and has further prepared maps and plats <br />showing the boundaries and such other information regarding the area in question as required by law; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Community and Economic Development Committee of the Common <br />Council has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council that the area qualifies <br />as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. The Common Council hereby determines and finds that the Petition for Real <br />Property Tax Abatement and the Statement of Benefits form completed by the Petitioner meet the <br />requirements of Indiana Code 6 -1.1 -12.1 et. seq., for tax abatement. <br />-13- <br />