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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 26, 2004 <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council recognizes that Conrad F. Damian was first appointed <br /> to serve on the Urban Enterprise Association as a resident representative in mid-1984; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council further recognizes that shortly thereafter, Conrad F. Damian <br /> was elected the Chairperson of the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Inc., a position <br /> which he has held for the past 19.5 years; and <br /> WHEREAS, in addition to helping to enhance, revitalize and encourage business and <br /> neighborhood development within the enterprise zone through partnerships, incentives offered <br /> through Title 6 of the Indiana Code;job creation has been a top priority of the UEA; and <br /> WHEREAS, under the leadership of Conrad F. Damian, the Urban Enterprise <br /> Association of South Bend, Inc. and with able guidance of Director Pam Meyer, such programs <br /> as the Sample Street Business Complex which is a full service, not-for-profit business incubator; <br /> the Zone Resident Employment Program which is designed to provide many levels of assistance <br /> to zone residents seeking employment; and the Neighborhood Grant Program which provides <br /> money to non-profit organizations to address housing, human service, and neighborhood <br /> development goals are just some of the many successful UEA programs making a difference. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Section I. On behalf of all of the citizens of South Bend, Indiana, the Common Council <br /> hereby publicly honors Conrad F. Damian for his dedicated leadership and more than twenty <br /> (20) years of service on the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Inc. <br /> Section II. The Common Council commends Conrad F. Damian for his many <br /> contributions to the South Bend community, which include being a 34-year resident of South <br /> Bend's Southeast Neighborhood; organizing the first Southeast PAC which was one of the <br /> earliest neighborhood organizations; assisting in the 1st organized neighborhood clean-ups; and <br /> his many contributions in leading many zone applications through the process for funding. <br /> Section III. The Common Council wished Conrad F. Damian continued good fortune <br /> and success as he continues his teaching career at Washington High School and encourages him <br /> to stay actively involved in our community in the years ahead. <br /> Section IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption <br /> by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> s/Derek D. Dieter, First District s/David Varner, Fifth District <br /> s/Charlotte D. Pfeifer, Second District s/Ervin Kuspa, Sixth District <br /> s/Roland Kelly, Third District s/Sean Coleman, At Large <br /> s/Ann Puzzello, Fourth District s/A1 "Buddy"Kirsits, At Large <br /> s/Karen L. White, At Large <br /> s/Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br /> ATTEST: <br /> s/John Voorde, City Clerk s/Stephen J. Luecke, Mayor <br /> Pam Meyer, Director Division of Community Development and Executive Director of the Urban <br /> Enterprise Association made the presentation for this Resolution by reading it in its entirety and <br /> presenting it to Lee Slavinskas, Vice-Chairperson, Urban Enterprise Association, who accepted <br /> the Resolution on behalf of Conrad F. Damian. Mr. Slavinskas thanked the Council and was <br /> greatly honored to accept this Resolution for Mr. Damian. Mr. Slavinskas commended Mr. <br /> Damian for his great leadership and dedication to the Urban Enterprise Association. Mr. <br /> Slavinskas stated that the one thing that he admired most was Conrad's insight to get the job <br /> done. <br /> -2- <br />